Chapter 22

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Mina  was lying on her queen-sized bed, dark brown orbs staring blankly at the ceiling above her and having no intention of making a single move any time soon. She was exhausted in so many ways.

Physically exhausted for entertaining her guests last night. Shaking almost everyone's hands, plastering that perfect smile on her lips for hours that she might not wonder if her face will be stuck like that for days, and trying to feign interest to discussions she will never even bother listening to had it not been for her family's reputation that must be uphold regardless of her opinion. A few years ago, this might not even bother her. She can go for hours gliding in grace effortlessly just to accommodate her guests and she will even do it wholeheartedly. But now, things have changed. If given the chance, she would rather spend her birthday in a club with deafening music booming in the background and with sweaty bodies grinding and swaying around her without giving a damn about the world. She wanted to spend it with people who don't need validation from others. A couple of alcohol will also be much appreciated since, she was legal now and can do whatever she wanted.

Mina  would have been fine if it was just physical exhaustion but unfortunately, there was the emotional exhaustion that drained her of all the reasons to get up and start her day. It was already past eleven in the morning and she had enough sleep after it finally gave her a visit at almost four in the morning. Given her present predicament, that was the most number of hours that she can get. Her mind was preoccupied with the image of a certain woman with piercing light brown eyes and the emotions that flickered upon their owner's face. It was not the sight that Mina wanted to see.

"But she is married…"Mina whispered as her right arm draped on her forehead lazily. "She was never mine and will never be. I was always just an entertainment to her. How foolish of me to think that I am different from the other women whom she played around with. I should have known."

She felt her heart clenched at the idea of starting to want someone who can never be hers. Just when she finally started to feel something other than grief and loss, the universe had a funny way of showing how much valued she was. It was either people were completely taken away from her or they just deliberately left her.

"Perhaps if I had met her earlier, it would have been different. She would not be married to her." She uttered wistfully, shocking herself in the process. Realizing this, her forearm kneaded her forehead in an attempt to make herself lucid. "And I am starting to be delusional." She shook her head and a thought came across her. "It should have just been a game. Initially, that is. It should have stayed just like that. But why?" she asked no one as she felt a small tug in her heart. Silent tears started flowing down her smooth cheeks. She heard her door creaked open and she lazily wiped her tears away before resting her arms over her eyes. Sending a signal to whoever had entered that she did not have the eagerness for any pleasantries at the moment.

"Lovely morning, my dear Mina!" The editor-in-chief chirped in a sing-song French as she opened the curtains to allow the blinding daylight to fill the room. "Don't you think that it is such a pleasant day to start enjoying your life as a twenty-one-year-old free woman, yes?" she continued but was only met with silence.

"Oh come on now, my dear. Your bed will not go anywhere. At least join your poor old grandmother for lunch before she departs home." The editor-in-chief tried again before settling herself beside the superstar.

"I apologize, grandmother. It slipped my mind. Just give me a few moments to prepare myself." Mina said as she lifted her arm and started to get up. "And good morning, too."

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