Chapter 27

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Day 3

It was dinner time and everyone gathered in the improvised mess hall, refilling their energy after another long and exhausting day.

Chaeyoung was sitting with the group of soldiers who were loudly talking among themselves, as usual. She scanned her surrounding and found almost everyone was in except for a certain woman who was keen on avoiding her the past three days. She looked at the group of medical team and the ambassadresses but still no sign of her. She searched for Somi because the woman seemed to be glued to her for reasons that Chaeyoung did not know, but still no luck.

"Maybe she's just late." Chaeyoung mumbled before releasing a sigh and stuffing her mouth with the meat on her plate.

After a good thirty more minutes, Chaeyoung discreetly tried searching for the woman but it seemed like she did not come at all. "Where is she?" she thought. She looked to her left where Masahi was sitting and the man did not look concerned at all. She elbowed him before whispering but with the loud conversation around them, that was really unnecessary. "Where is she, Masahi?"

"What?" Masahi asked, not really hearing what Chaeyoung said.

"Mina." Chaeyoung said simply.

"She retired early. I brought her food to her quarter earlier, though." Masahi said, shrugging. "Where are you going?" He asked when Chaeyoung abruptly stood up.

"I'm done." Chaeyoung simply said before getting up and carrying her eating utensils to the designated table.

Chaeyoung walked towards the shared sleeping quarters of the ambassadresses but found no one inside. Her eyes caught the sight of an untouched packed salad on the table. "Why am I not surprised?" She sighed before gathering the food and letting herself out.

She searched for the woman outside instead. Few minutes had passed but Chaeyoung still didn't find her. Frustration and annoyance were starting to get the better of her. "Damn." She said, kicking an innocent stone on the ground. She looked up at the clear sky illuminated by thousands of stars but what caught her attention was the moon which was brighter than usual. She inhaled deeply and released it before resuming on her search. She froze when she finally saw what she was looking for.

Mina was sitting under a large tree with her head tilted up. The moon was illuminating her face, giving it a glow and her eyes a glistening effect. Earphones were plugged on her ears as she hummed to the tunes. Her legs were neatly folded to the side. She was still in her denim and white shirt sponsored by the United Nations.

Mina noticed something in her peripheral vision and tilted her head to the side. For the first time in days, she met light brown orbs which seemed to be in tranced. Dark brown orbs dilated before turning her attention away from the woman's enchanting eyes and looked into the distance instead. It did not help that the moon was giving Chaeyoung's feature an effect that caused butterflies in her stomach.

As if Chaeyoung's feet had a mind of their own, she was brought near the woman before she knew it. She hovered to her side for a few more seconds but Mina continued to disregard her presence. Realizing that she won't be getting any reaction from her, she settled herself. She sat beside her, making sure a good distance was kept else the woman might scurry off. She placed the food between them before gently removing the earphones from Mina's ears and taking the Phone away from her as well.

"Do you ever hear of the words manners and personal space Chaeyoung?" Mina snapped her head to Chaeyoung's direction, dark brown orbs glaring at the woman.

"Dont you hear about the word starvation?" Chaeyoung fired back, feigning curiosity. "Don't you think it's ironic that we're out here helping people not to starve themselves while you yourself do the opposite?" she mocked with a raised eyebrow.

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