Chapter 13

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It was the second day of photo shoot. All the models and crews involved in the project found themselves on the other side of the private island where a magnificent waterfall can be seen. Its clear water rushed down the huge boulders found below. The sight was a total complete opposite of the cramped and busy Paris.

Models gathered around two photographers who were explaining their schedule for the day. Some were clad only in their swimming bikinis while others were still wrapped in their robes. Make-up artists were everywhere and crews had their hands full of preparing the necessary equipments needed.

"Alright, gorgeous ladies and hot gents. All your attention here, please." Felix, a gay fashion designer, clapped his hands together to divert everyone's attention to him. "I didn't mean to interrupt you, Dominique my love." He said, flashing his beautiful lashes to the photographer who just shook his head in amusement. "I just want to make this special announcement to boost everyone's energy up. I received a phone call from Madam M and she said that..." He paused, looking at both models and staffs whose curiosity intensified by the minute. "that everyone got a VIP ticket to Chou Tzuyu's concert tonight!" He paused when excited roars and whistles from the crowd were heard as their response. "Uh uh. There's more." He continued, wiggling his pointer finger to the crowd who looked at him with expectations evident in their eyes. "Everyone is also invited to the exclusive after-concert party." He once again paused, knowing full well what his audience's response will be. He was not disappointed when a much louder cheer was heard. "Oh. Madam M is on the line." He said, looking at his iPad. "She has a message for everyone." He faced the iPad to his audience who immediately pulled themselves together and stood with posture.

"Bonjour, my beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen. I am certain that Felix had announced to you the details of this evening's activity." The editor-in-chief spoke in French and smiled at her audience. Her eyes caught the sight of the young director who was standing between her granddaughter and Masahi. The three were still in their robes. "Of course, anyone who does not wish to attend may do so. It's an invitation after all." She paused when a man came and whispered something to her. "I will make this message short. I want everyone to work well today. I want your full cooperation with our photographers. Let's be on schedule and finish everything that must be done there. I hope I made myself clear." She paused looking at everyone who nodded their head in agreement. "Fantastic. Dominique, Edmond, I am leaving them in your care." She finished and the video call ended.

"Alright, everyone's attention here again please." The photographer, Dominique, called out and everyone diverted their attention back to him. "Good. As I was saying, we will be dividing you into groups again. Some will be doing the photo shoot on that waterfall." He gestured to the beauty behind him. "While the others will be on dry lands. Not everyone will do the same shot, alright? We will maximize the aesthetic of this place and as much as possible capture all its aspects and beauty. Same photographer will be assigned to you. Just follow their instructions and everything's going to be fine. If you don't have any question, we will start now."

All models and crews alike dispersed, each had a task to finish.

Dominique approached Chaeyoung and Masahi. "SC and Masahi, ours will be on the waterfall. You guys, okay with that?" He asked the two who just nodded.

"Mina and Giabiconi, we'll do your shots on dry lands. Madam M's order." Edmond, the photographer said, not giving Mina the chance to protest.

They separated ways and started to proceed to their respective venue when Giabiconi suddenly turned around and jogged towards Chaeyoung's group.

"Hey, can we swap partner?" He asked, looking at Dominique who looked back at him with confusion. "I want to work with SC" He said, looking at Chaeyoung who just arched an eyebrow at him. "Don't get me wrong. Mina is great and all and I love working with her. It's just that I want to do something exciting today and today's shots will include jumping off that waterfall, right?" he asked, looking to and fro the photographer and Chaeyoung, completely ignoring Masahi.

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