Chapter 2

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JAPAN: DAY 1; 10:00AM

A dark red haired young woman clad in a black mini dress that flowed down few inches before her thigh was standing before a freshly covered grave. A pair of dark colored sunglasses was concealing her eyes as they longingly stared on the encryption of the gravestone. A barely noticeable frown was marring her delicate and young face. Her facial expression remained stoic as condolences were offered to her by the few souls who came to mourn for her loss. But just like any other funeral, the living souls will continue to live their lives while the dead one will be left to its eternal sleep thus, the people eventually went their own ways leaving her to her much needed privacy.

"Mama, you are fine now. No more pain. No more suffering. You are finally free from your boring white hospital room. I am sure you'll have a better view there. I heard heaven is beautiful. I'm sure that old man in white robe with divine light behind him will allow you entry there. You know, the man who looks like Dumbledore of Harry Potter. If not then, I don't know what level of righteousness people must have to gain entry there. You can take a stroll. You love taking me to one when I was a small brat, remember? I'm sure Pops will be there to be your tour guide. I'll give him a good kick in the ass if he won't when I'll meet him. I just don't wish it to be too soon. I love you, Mama. I will miss you. Me? Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll manage. You know your Sana-chan is a big girl now. Just go wherever it is that you must be." The dark red haired young woman spoke to the soul resting in the grave.

She closed her eyes as a lone tear finally slid down her beautiful and delicate young face. For a moment she thought that she felt someone engulfed her in a cold embrace and lightly pecked her right cheek. She felt goose bumps when she heard a hollow fainting voice calling her name. It sounded like her mother's voice four years ago before the woman went into comatose.

She quickly wiped the lone tear away when she heard the very familiar roar of a motorcycle before it came to a complete halt and the engine was finally turned off.

Chaeyoung dismounted her personalized black Ducati bike which was now in the private cemetery's parking lot. She immediately proceeded there right after her private airplane had touched down Japan. Fortunately, her mother knew the details of the funeral which was willingly given to her after a short phone call. With a bouquet of white flowers that she fortunately acquired from a flower shop on her way to the cemetery, she started treading towards the lone figure standing before a grave. She went on placing the bouquet of white flowers on the foot of the gravestone before standing closely beside the lone figure clad in black attire.

"Hey. I didn't know. I'm sorry for your loss." Chaeyoung said softly as she regarded the grave before her with a forlorn look.

"People die. That's how life works." Sana  muttered, her eyes still glued on the encryption. She wore a sad smile when her gaze went down to the dates of birth and death written below the name of her deceased mother. "Those two sets of years do not matter. It is the bar between them that matters most. Living a short life free of suffering is better than living one full of it." Sana  finished as she cannot anymore control the stream of tears that came flooding down her cheeks. For whatever reason beyond her comprehension, she suddenly felt vulnerable being in the presence of the blonde haired woman. The tears that she forcefully encaged inside her came rushing forth like a dam overflowing with high pressured water. She felt like she can bare her soul to this raven haired woman despite the fact that she considered that blonde haired woman as her sworn enemy.

The blonde haired woman seeing the current state of the dark red haired woman, did what she thought was best without spurting out words that she might later on regret. She herself was never good with matters concerning emotions let alone to comfort a distraught soul with soothing words. She pulled the slightly shorter than her red haired woman towards her. Her right hand holding the dark red haired woman's head as she buried it on her strong left shoulder. The woman gasped with the unexpected gesture as her body stiffened. But the blonde haired woman kept her in place as she eventually relaxed to the warm embrace. Soft sobs reached the blonde haired woman's ears as she started caressing the dark red haired woman's back soothingly in an up-down motion with her left hand.

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