Chapter 25

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Sana  was walking towards the studio where their first taping will be done. With a cup of coffee in hand and script on the other, she proceeded to her director's chair. Taking in the set-up, she smiled and took another sip before deciding to double check her script.

She was in a green screen studio where all the walls were covered in green. Several poles and platforms can be seen. Stuntmen and scampering crews were everywhere. Cameras were already set-up. Everyone was ready when she arrived including Mina who was perched on a large elevated platform, few feet from the ground. She was wearing her purple yukata which was the protagonist's main costume for most of the scenes in the movie. She was almost ready to for the scenes except for the missing safety gears which should be worn to ensure that she will still be in one piece after jumping.

Sana waited for a few more minutes, thinking that the crews were working on Mina's  safety gears. Her impatience became prominent when she saw men in black scratching their head while trying to explain some things to Mina  who just stood there, her attention was on the ground where she will be landing after her fall.

Grabbing her lapel mic and earpiece, Sana hastily went towards the elevated platforms, taking two steps at a time.

"What's the problem here?" She demanded looking at the three men in black who were holding the harness and safety gears.

"She doesn't want to wear these." The men answered, scratching her neck. He had been trying to convince the superstar to wear them for minutes already. All explanations and logic about safety had been exhaustedly explained but the woman seemed to be too adamant to listen.

"What's your problem with harness, Myōi?" She directed her question to Mina instead, eyebrow raised demanding answer.

"I do not see the necessity for them, Director." Mina answered nonchalantly.

"In case you knocked your head somewhere, let me just reiterate to you that you're about to jump from a freakin' thirty feet high platform for this scene." She reminded her with a sense of incredulity in her voice.

"I am well aware, Director. I read the script."Mina answered, her dark brown orbs looking directly into light ones which narrowed at her.

"And you still want to proceed without a damn safety?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes. Unless you want to cancel this scene, Director . It is a lovely day for off after all." Mina answered, challenging the director.

"Suit yourself then. Just make sure you're still in one-piece to do the remaining scenes, Myōi. I want to have this movie done without having to attend a funeral in between." She said with little interest to Mina's  well-being. She was obviously not the type to babysit her artists.

"I'm sorry, Director. But we cannot proceed with the stunt if Mina-sama will not wear these." The man intervened, holding out the harness.

"Mina-sama, we need to ensure your safety. It will be dangerous to jump from this height with or without the trampoline below. Not everyone is good with freefall. Only professionals are allowed to do that stunt. Plus you will be jumping while holding your Naginata. That will be very risky without the harness to ensure you are not moving too much and hurt yourself with the blade." He said, looking pleadingly at the superstar.

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