Chapter 26

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One week later.

Chaeyoung was busy loading the supplies that they will be needing for the next two weeks inside the two trucks which were parked a few feet away from the headquarter. Everyone had retired to their respective quarters given that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. She volunteered to take care of the remaining few boxes which she found no difficulty at all in handling.

They were split into five teams which were assigned to different locations. Each group had only one person from the documentary team but had at least five medical personnel. They were informed by the United Nations' representatives of the additional ten people that will be helping them in their mission which will not only encompass medical one but also rehabilitation and education to those natives from rural places.

"Somi, it's better for you to stay here. You haven't fully recovered yet." Chaeyoung said for the nth time as she continued loading the boxes into the truck. The woman was following behind her. "And stop carrying heavy boxes. You should be resting now." She said before grabbing the box from her hand and piling it next to the box that she had just place inside the truck.

"Chaeyoung, I'm fine. Stop treating me like a child. Besides I'm old enough to know what's good for me." Somi said before turning around to get more supplies but before she can proceed any further, Chaeyoung grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"Why are you being so difficult today?" Chaeyoung said through gritted teeth as she pulled the woman closer and held her gaze. Somi was left craning her neck to look up at her given the height difference. The woman was about 5'7'' but still shorter than Chaeyoung.

She was tired of convincing her to stay put for the past few days. The woman almost jumped out of her bed the moment she felt like she had the energy to at least stay on her feet. But Chaeyoung obviously had a different view on the matter. It also didn't help that the woman did not remember the events following her groggy return to the headquarter leaving whatever Chaeyoung thought to be a small step in starting to salvage whatever was left in their relationship in vain.

"Why do you keep acting like you care?" Somi fired back, looking into blazing light brown orbs.

The woman really confused the hell out of her. Chaeyoung left her two years ago without a single explanation and now she just appeared out of thin air and wanted control of her life again.

"Because I care, Somi." Chaeyoung said, her husky voice deepening further causing some butterflies in Somi's stomach. The woman really sounded sexier when she was becoming dominant and angry. But Somi dismissed the fluttering that her heart felt.

"Really, Chaeyoung?" Somi fired back challengingly. "Is that why you suddenly left without a word and the next week I found your divorce attorney at my doorstep?" She snapped, taking a step closer to the woman.

The bottled up emotions for years suddenly found its way out. It was like a dam of emotions which were finally let out. So, the water rushed out with rage. She tried yanking her arm away from Chaeyoung but the woman kept her grip on her. "Is that your way of caring? Not even having the decency to explain to me what I did wrong?" She continued, pounding her fist on Chaeyoung's shoulder as tears started to flow freely from her eyes. "Do you have a single idea how difficult it was to keep asking questions which will never be answered because the only person who has your answers left you in the dark? Every night, I kept asking myself if it was my fault. I kept looking back to the things that I did. Did I pressure you? Was I insensitive to your needs? Was I suffocating you? But each night not a single of my hundred questions was answered."

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