Chapter 31

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Despite her efforts to focus her attention on the huge screen in front of her, Mina's  mind seemed to wander elsewhere. With her phone in hand, she was torn between making a call to someone who did not fulfill her promise and to just let it slide for now. "What reasons could she probably have for not showing herself? She promised, did she not?"

"Mina, can you at least keep your phone away. It's destructing me." Momo, who was seated to her right, spoke with mild irritation in her voice.

"Minari, it will not be long before the film will end. Please endure it for a while. We can leave as soon as this is over." Dahyun added, glancing at her ward who was seated between her and Momo.

"My apologies."Mina simply stated before turning her attention back to the huge screen in front of them. For some reasons, her excitement vanished the moment she knew that a certain woman could not make it to the premier night.

On the other hand,  Sana was waiting for her phone's screen to light up. "It's been ages! Why the hell Jihyo is not updating me. Damn. Where the hell are you Chaeyoung?" She thought, looking at Mina  whose focus was on the movie."You better not be fucking around or else God knows what this woman will do."


General Son was inhaling cigarettes after cigarettes while waiting for his five-men troop to gather around. The ashtray in front of him could tell just how many packs he had consumed already. Putting off his last cigarette, he stood up firmly. "Alright, soldiers! While we are still waiting for the suspect to make a move, let me reiterate a few important matters. Number one. This is an unauthorized mission. Number two. We are in a foreign land which we do not have any jurisdiction at all. Number three. This mission is voluntary and must be kept with utmost confidentiality. Number four. Any casualty that might be incurred must be addressed in the same level of confidentiality. Number five. If you get caught, you are not in any manner related to our country's arm forces. Lastly, subject must be retrieved at all cost. Dead or alive. Understood, soldiers?" He stopped his pacing, awaiting response from his soldiers.

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone answered in unison.

"We will rescue the subject alive, Sir!" Captain Masahi added with conviction.

"Thank you, Captain." General Son said, gripping Masahi's broad shoulder.

"Now we should wait. It won't be long before the suspect will make its move." General Son said, looking at the glass wall which gave him the city's magnificent night view.


Mina was too exhausted to attend the premier night's after party so, she decided to just go home and rest her tired body and mind. It was past ten o'clock in the evening and she was about to ascend their mansion's stairway when she noticed a little figure at the bottom of it.

"Mi-chan, why are you still awake?" Mina approached the little girl who was clad in her baby blue pajama and was hugging a puppy stuffed toy.

"I was waiting for you. I have surprises for you." Mi-chan said before hiding the stuffed animal behind her.

"And what could be my Mi-chan's surprises for me be?" Mina played along with the little girl. Pretending like she did not notice her hiding the stuffed toy behind her.

"Taaadaaa!"Mi-chan showed the toy to Mina  which earned her a genuine smile from the woman.

"Oh, is Mi-chan giving me this cute puppy?" Mina  said as she reached for the object of their conversation.

"Nope." Mi-chan said, retrieving the stuffed toy and hugging it. "Chaeyoung-chan gave this to me. It arrived this morning."

"Eh?" Mina spoke after a pregnant pause. "Did you thank her, Mi-chan?"

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