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Taeyong flutters his eyes open, he was unaware of when he even dozed off. He looks around, unfamiliar with his surroundings. The ropes make his heart jump slightly, then he settled down as he remembered the current situation he was in.

"Slept well?" Taeyong looks over to Jaehyun, playing with a dagger.

Taeyong pushed the lump down into his throat, his lips quivered as he spoke. "Why are you doing this?" He asked,

"Tell me," Jaehyun turns around and places his dagger down. "Why don't you just leave him?" His fingers carefully dancing on the different daggers laid before him,

"That's something.." Taeyong trails off, seeing Jaehyun pick up another dagger. "Someone like you should understand," He lets his gaze drop to the ground,

Jaehyun is taken aback by Taeyong's answer but his face remains still, devoid of any emotion. It was almost as if he was a doll but contradicting his behaviour was the battle that took place in his mind,

Jaehyun pushes it back, he doesn't want to think about what Taeyong meant. He doesn't want to let himself be vulnerable, a target. He doesn't want to admit to himself that he-

Jaehyun silences himself completely, as if he flipped a switch in his head. He doesn't want to finish that thought. "Leave him, Taeyong," Jaehyun steps forward, coming to a stop at a distance from the other. "I'm not asking," He points the knife at him,

Taeyong's eyes meet Jaehyun's. It makes Jaehyun's skin crawl, every hair of his body stood. Taeyong's eyes were as pure as first snow, they shone brightly- full of hope.

It makes Jaehyun want to throw up. He felt sick. He could feel the twist in his stomach, he could feel the rush up to his throat. It was threatening, almost feared by Jaehyun.

"I won't leave him," Taeyong finally replies, his voice was gentle and light despite his knuckles turning white as he gripped onto the chair.

Jaehyun sighs, "Now, you see," He kicks a table towards Taeyong. It comes to a stop right before the older's feet. "That wasn't the answer I was hoping for,"

Jaehyun cuts the rope on the older's left. "I'm telling you nicely," He takes his wrist, so tightly that Taeyong felt that his bones would shatter. Jaehyun slams it onto the table,

Taeyong looks at his hand and at the dagger. He tries to escape Jaehyun's grip but his efforts are meaningless.

"Do as I say," Jaehyun points the dagger at Taeyong and presses it against his neck. "Leave him,"

Taeyong doesn't falter at the threat. Everything was irrational, he began to settle into that. He was here, all because he was with Yuta. It was unreasonable, even harder to believe.

But he knew loving Yuta was something that would make sense, in this life and the next.

"You won't kill me," Taeyong said, staring into Jaehyun's eyes. "Because if you wanted to, you wouldn't bother bringing me all the way here."

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