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"Put me down.." Jaehyun mumbled, unable to keep his own eyes opened.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" Yuta unlocked the door to their room. "We're already at base," He said,

"Fuck," Jaehyun cussed, mustering all the very little strength he had to escape from Yuta. "I nearly had him.." He muttered, wanting to give into the pounding in his head. Yet, he chose to continue this meaningless fight to leave and get another drink at the pub (as well as beating the shit out of that other guy he couldn't even remember)

"Yeah, I don't want to either but you're the dumbass that got shitfaced like hell," Yuta kicked the door open and walked into their shared room.

He threw Jaehyun onto his bed, only to be pulled down as well. Yuta looked down at Jaehyun's hand clutching onto his leather jacket,

"Don't tell me you have a crush on me because if you did-" Yuta pretended to shoot himself, making them both break out into laughter.

"Shut up," Jaehyun replied, "You're full of shit," He huffed into Yuta's face, making the older back up from the stench of alcohol.

"Nope, I am not," Yuta flopped down to Jaehyun's side. The two went quiet but the silence was quickly broken by when Yuta told Jaehyun, "I hate you,"

"I know you do," Jaehyun laughed, "I hate you too,"

Yuta stared at the ceiling. He wondered what it was too. What was that feeling was whenever he told Jaehyun he hated him? He didn't mean it literally but what was it?

Yuta's phone broke the silence again. He pulled it out to see Taeyong was calling. He attempted to sit up but Jaehyun quickly grabbed his arm,

"Are you really going to pick up?" Jaehyun asked, shutting his eyes. "Don't go,"

"I have to," Yuta tried to free his arm but was pulled down onto the bed with Jaehyun pining him down,

Yuta raised a brow, "What are you going to do to me now?" He asked with a smirk,

"Why are you still doing this?" Jaehyun asked, pressing down on Yuta's wrists. He doesn't know what it is but there's a heavy weight in his chest. A burden. Fear.

He can't bear it. It lives in his head, it keeps him vulnerable and he hated that. He hated whatever these feelings were, he hated being vulnerable.

Yuta had an answer and yet, he couldn't say it. He didn't know why. "That's something I want to ask him too,"

He pushed Jaehyun off him then got up from the bed. He answered the call, "Yeah?"

Taeyong feels a calm washing over him when he hears Yuta's voice. He wants to say something but he was so occupied with keeping his tears at bay. He sniffles and lets out a heavy sigh,

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