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Jaehyun watches as the Hound slumps over, hand over his ear.

He walks towards the Hound, "I could kill you right now," He said, pointing the gun. "I missed on purpose."

The Hound turns, his face red from blood. "You," He spoke as he tore the remaining bits of his mask off, revealing his face. "I'll kill you,"

Jaehyun raised a brow. "Is that so?" He knew the Hound would have no reason to. His boss wouldn't lose an asset like the both of them,

"That's all I have to do to be set free, I just have to be better than everyone else.." He coughs blood out,

Jaehyun could feel a twist in his stomach. "I don't know what he's been telling you," He pauses, "But he won't ever set you free," He watches The Hound freezes, "If he won't even let his own son free, what chance do you think you have as nobody?"

After for what seemed to be an eternity, "You're lying!" The Hound shouts, gripping onto his broken arm. "He'll free me, he said he would, he freed my brother so he'll let me go!"

Ah, so, that's his game for this certain pawn. Sometimes- No, it always- made Jaehyun sick to his stomach knowing that his boss had game ready to break someone and bound them for the rest of their lives.

For Jaehyun and Yuta, it was the murder of his mother. For this poor Hound, it was the lie that he was forced to feed himself so that he'd stay sane.

"That's why I-"
"Dong Sicheng,"

"That's your name, right?" Jaehyun watches as the other figure crashes onto the ground, hand on his head.

"No- It's-" The Hound's mind fills with memories that were so familiar yet he had not remembered them. All the faces in his head were blur, he could hear them, feel them and yet, he had not known any of them.

His head began to ache more than he could bear. His nails digging into his scalp as he tries to cope. "Who-?"

"Take care of it. You're not a dog," Jaehyun turns around and looks towards the scene,

He knows there is nothing he can do.

"Sir," He turns towards his subordinate. "Boss is searching for you, you must return quickly."

Jaehyun nods and gets onto the motorcycle, he looks behind his shoulder for the last time. He hoped. For the first time in a very long time, he hoped. He hoped that Yuta would know what to do.

Johnny's hand gripped onto the steering wheel, he pursed his lips as it was the only way to make sure he wouldn't cry

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Johnny's hand gripped onto the steering wheel, he pursed his lips as it was the only way to make sure he wouldn't cry.

He had to hold on. No matter whatever it took or whatever it was, he had to believe that Taeyong would live.

"Johnny," Donghyuck spoke, finally tearing away from staring out of the window. "Where are we going?"

Johnny doesn't answer. He doesn't even hear the young boy. He keeps himself buried in his thoughts, convincing himself that Taeyong would be perfectly fine. Then, he could at least take back everything he said, live without the guilt of letting him go.

Taeil waits for Johnny's response. He looks over concerned boy, "Let's-"

"Johnny, where are we going?" Donghyuck asked again, emphasising on the older's name. His voice laced in annoyance,

Donghyuck leaned into his seat, "This has something to do with Taeyong, doesn't-"

"Johnny!" Taeil dives forwards and pulls the hand brake, stopping the car before it could crash into the truck. "What the-!"

Johnny turns, "I don't know, Donghyuck! Okay?! I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I should do, I don't even know if I can do anything!"

Taeil and Donghyuck watches as Johnny sobs.

Donghyuck's lips quiver, "I'm sorry," He apologised. "Don't cry," He wraps his arms around the older.

"I'm sorry, Hyuck," Johnny cried, holding the child as well. "I shouldn't have done that to you, it's not-" He coukdnt even finish as more tears came rushing out,

"Come on," Taeil puts a hand on Johnny's shoulder, "I'll drive."

The drive, though it had been only 15 minutes, Johnny felt was an eternity.

When they got there, Johnny nearly dived out of the car. He scrambled about to get into the ER, that was when he saw the ambulance arrive.

When he saw the badly injured body, his mind rushed to the worst. He runs towards the paramedics, running by their side as his eyes laid on Taeyong.

It hurt.

It was almost as if he could feel every mild burn on his body, every scrape, every cut, every bruise. It was enough to bring him to tears, "Taeyong!" He called, he couldn't take seeing the younger with his eyes shut. He needed something to make himself believe that Taeyong would be fine.

Taeyong fluttered his eyes open, barely.


That was all he could feel.

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