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Yuta stared at the necklace in his hands as he laid on the velvet couch,

"So, you've gone against the man to go meet him," Jaehyun said, staring the the older. He smirked, getting straight into the point. "Why?"

"None of your business," Yuta put the necklace into his pocket and shut his eyes,

"Oh, is it?" Jaehyun sang, obviously having intentions to poke at the other, "What's going on here?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face,

Yuta sat up from his chair, "Why don't you go and-" He took Jaehyun's hand and placed the car keys in it, "-take a drive in my car?"

"Really?!" Jaehyun's eyes sparkled at the keys but he had to wonder what was so secretive that Yuta was willing to sacrifice his darling car, "Is it that serious?"

"Don't scratch it," Yuta laid back down, closing his eyes.

"Is this about your mother?" Jaehyun almost hesitated, unsure if he pressed the wrong button.

Yuta was quiet, already knowing that any answer he said, Jaehyun would know the truth. "Yeah," Yuta answered.

Jaehyun was quiet too. "Can I still drive? I feel bad but-"

"Just go before I change my mind," Yuta cracked a soft smile and heard as the younger ran off.

"I'm going to regret that later, won't I?" Yuta asked, staring at the ceiling.

Taeyong looked around once in a while, wondering where Yuta would show up from

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Taeyong looked around once in a while, wondering where Yuta would show up from. "You'll find me, huh?" Taeyong smiled to himself, wondering how he would lose in this game of hide and seek.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Johnny asked, though, he knew who it was.

"Yeah!" Taeyong replied, skipping in his step as he answered. "We just met the other day, he said he'll meet me again soon,"

Johnny looked at Taeyong's bare neck, "Where's your necklace?" He asked,

Taeyong giggled sheepishly, "He told me he'd return it to me," He remembered their encounter once again, recalling vividly the scent of his cologne.

He buried his face in the books he held, trying to hide his flushed face again. "Why did he do that?" He asked himself,

Johnny stared at the younger, feeling that same twist in his stomach again. "You just let him take it?"

"Huh?" Taeyong revealed his face from the books, "Well, yeah. He promise he would give it back to me," He replied,

"What if he doesn't? You don't even know where to find him," Johnny said, his unsupportive answer had made Taeyong feel small,

"Well, I trust him.. I know he'll give it back to me," Taeyong replied, slowly beginning to mutter his words.

"You just met him a few days ago. How can you?" Johnny questioned again, blind to how he was making Taeyong feel.

Johnny had no ill intention, though there was personal feelings involved, he still believed he was right for lecturing the younger.

"It's just a feeling that I have," Taeyong looked at Johnny, "If you can't trust him, you could at least trust me,"

Johnny felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Suddenly, what he strongly believed in began to fog. What was he doing? Was it right? Is this okay? Is this a matter of personal feelings?

"You're right, I'm sorry." Johnny said, "I should put a little more faith in you,"

"I know you're worried about me," Taeyong placed a hand on Johnny's shoulder, "After all, we're all that we have,"

Johnny forced a smile for Taeyong, "Yeah, that's right."

Taeyong stepped out of class, still searching for the male

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Taeyong stepped out of class, still searching for the male. He took a look at his watch, "This is where he met me yesterday," He mumbled to himself.

He stood there, clueless if he should wait or just head home for the day. What if Yuta couldn't find him? Was he even planning on showing up today?

He didn't know why he was so eager to see him as well. There was just something about his presence that made him feel safe. He wasn't afraid and he felt free around him. He didn't know what it was but he just felt it.

"Are you looking for me?" Yuta asked,

Taeyong jumped slightly, turning behind to see that Yuta stood there. "Ah, you surprised me!" He was finally able to smile,

"You looked like you were going to get upset with me," Yuta said, having the younger follow him as he walked. "You looked like a stray puppy,"

"I was just worried, okay?" Taeyong said, "I thought you wouldn't see me today,"

Yuta came to a stop, hearing Taeyong say that made him experience a strange feeling. He felt it again, that same tender benignity that made him feel..

Needed. Deserving of his place on this Earth.

"Do you not like that?" He asked,

"Huh?" Taeyong realised what he said. "Ah! It's nothing weird or anything like that, it's mostly that-" Taeyong paused, trying to figure out what he meant as well.

"You know," Yuta said. "I haven't figured it out either,"

Taeyong smiled, "Then, let's figure it out together, is that okay?"

Yuta nodded, "Yeah, okay,"

Johnny saw them two walking together again. He wanted to stop them there and then but he couldn't forget what Taeyong said to him,

He didn't know what the deal was with the stranger and he didn't know why they seemed so close.

But if he knew one thing, it would be that he didn't like any of it. Not a single bit.

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