Chapter 6

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Someone who fakes a smile, when all they want to do is cry.

Ambers POV
All I wanted to do was cry. I have up my innocence for him and he took that for granted. I felt so worthless. I thought I could actually be something with him. All he wants to do is fuck me then leave.

I ran to my dorm with tears running down my face. I saw Jackson sitting in the common room but I ran right past him. "Amber?!" He shouted and running towards me.

I shut my door but before I could he came in and saw my face, puffy tear stained face. I feel into his arms and cried. He sat down on the floor with me in his arms and pushed my hair out of my face.

I cried into his chest. "Why do i have to be so stupid?" I said finally calming down.

"Hey you aren't stupid." he looked at me.

"I am though, I let him take my virginity and he confesses his feelings for me then he does not want to date me! What's wrong with me!" I yelled.

"who?!" He got up and walked to me.

"Draco fucking Malfoy." I groaned.

"Fucking hell, let's go back to the great hall everyone is still hanging out there." he said pulling me into a hug and I nodded.

My face was not tear stained anymore so no one could see I was crying. I saw Blaise, chance, and Kingston talking so I went over there. "Hey you guys." I said sitting down next to Blaise.

"Hey how'd it go?"

"I don't really feel like talking about that right now." I smiled as I picked up an apple taking a bite.

We all just talked for a while. "You know what I love doing." I blurted.

"What?" Blaise said.

"Going to the library and getting this one certain book it's called the book of unused words and I scroll through and learn words for scenarios you have." I grinned. It really is one of my favorite things todo.

"Really?" Blaise took interest in it.

"Mhm my favorite word right now is eccedentesiast."I smiled as blaise tilted his head.

"What does that mean?" He said.

"I don't know I guess you are going to have to figure it out." I smirked.

It ment 'someone who fakes a smile when all they want to do is cry' because that's what I want to do but you know I can't show that.

Draco's POV
I got out and sat on my bed. Blaise walked in "hey mate." He threw his jacket on the chair.

"Hey." I said discouraged. "Do you know how green is doing by the way?" I questioned trying to not sound suspicious.

"Mhm she was just talking about her favorite thing to do just now before I left." He said walking over to his bed.

"Which is?"

"Going to the library and looking at the book called... the book of unused words. It's for scenarios you did not even know a words to. Her favorite word right now is eccedentesiast." he said picking up a book.

"What does that mean?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Beats me." He laughed.

I was curious on what the word ment. So I was going to wait until Blaise was asleep to go to the library and check it out myself. Blaise will be knocked out in a few minutes.

I looked over and Blaise was already asleep. I tiptoed out of our dorm to go to the library.

I snuck around the corridors and went to the library. The book of unused words?

I looked through the shelves then there it was. I picked it up and sat down at the nearest table.

The rain outside started to pouce down on the Windows and made me feel calm.

I scanned through the book trying to find the word. I finally saw it.

Someone who fakes a smile when all they want to do is cry.

My heart shattered. I felt awful. I got up and put the book back. I looked down at the floor not wanting anyone to see the sadness plastered on my face.

Then I bumped into someone "move out of the way-" I looked up and saw amber "oh sorry."

"it's fine." she just kept walking towards the library where I just was.

I looked at her walking away. She had baggy jeans in with a baggy sweatshirt with some bag over her shoulder and he hair tied back in a low pony tail. She looked so gorgeous.

It was hard for me not to go up to her and fucking kiss her.

So this is what the outfit would look like except the sunglasses lol.

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