Chapter 9

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I wanted some bad ass moments so here we are😋

The desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight.

Ambers POV
I woke up in Dracos bed but no Draco. Hm.

I got up and picked up my dress and ran down the corridors to go get some of my clothes. I put on a white blouse with a skirt and my hair still looked amazing from last night. I put on some heals and I grabbed my bag and left my room.

I was walking to potions when I saw a big group of students crowding around something. I pushed through to see.

My eyes landed in the middle and Draco was kissing, Astoria. "What the fuck Malfoy!" I shouted making everyone stop.

He turned and looked at me with fear in his eyes. "I can explain please just let's do it somewhere else-"

I cut him off "no Draco you suffer the consequences, not me. You are the one that wanted to kiss her and look where that big fucking mistake got you. Oh right broken up with, so take that apology and shove it up your asshole and maybe you can find a heart up there." I said as everyone gasped. I pushed through the crowd and walked straight through the middle and pushed Draco down on the ground "sorry that was a mistake." I pouted.

I walked off as everyone started laughing. I could hear 'Malfoy you just got broken up with in front of everyone!' And my personal favorite 'you deserve it'

I did not even shed a tear walking to potions. None at all. I walk in a everyone stared at me because stuff spreads around fast. I at down next to Jackson. "As you should." he cheered at me.

I laughed "I am fed up with his bullshit I am not crying over that. He is not my problem anymore."

I looked over to see Blaise "what are you doing here? you don't have this class." I laughed.

"No I just wanted to see you and tell you that you are a bad bitch." he laughed and High fived me.

I chucked "thanks Blaise now go to class I don't want you to be late."

I finished potions and walked to the great hall. Again I looked really good today, I mean my tall black socks and my white shirt with my short skirt.

I walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat next to chance. Suddenly Theodore nott walked up to me and leaned on the table "hey, amber." he grinned.

"Hey Theo." I said looking up at him.

"You are pretty hot." he grinned at all the other slytherins that were looking.

My face dropped and I sat up to his face level "you are not going to get in my pants got it? Hm? Ok so you can tell your little crowd of boys that I said. No." I sneered.

He looked shocked and walked away. I sat back down and picked up a piece of bread. I looked up to see Jackson, Kingston, and chance staring right at me. "What? Sorry I like bread." I scoffed.

"So you are going to ignore how bad ass you are today." Kingston laughed.

"Yeah probably." I laughed.

It was time for charms and I walked in and saw theo sitting at my table. I didn't know he sat at my table?

"Hello amber." he said as I sat my books down.

"Hey." I did not even make eye contact with him I just pulled out my books and started studying.

"So- um you and Malfoy are broken up." as he said that Draco walked in. I looked at him and our eyes met for a split second until I turned back around to face Theo.

"Mhm we are." I laughed still not paying attention to him.

"So would you let me take you out." he offered, I looked up at him and scoffed.

"Hm sweet but I am busy." I said diverting my attention back to my book.

"What about tomorrow." he asked.

"busy." I snapped just wanting this conversation to end.

He lifted his hand and put it on my inner thigh. The fuck?

"Don't touch me like that." I muttered while everyone in the class was not paying attention to us.

He moved it more upwards and closer to my underwear. I slapped his hand which made everyone stop what they were doing "I said don't touch me like that!" I yelled standing up "you creep!" I scoffed.

"Woah calm down princess."he said with a smooth sweet voice and putting his hand out.

"Don't fucking call me that and don't touch me like that ever again or you will. Be. Dead. And I mean it." I sneered and everyone gasped.

I picked up my books and walked out with my heals clicking against the hard oak wood floor. I felt a hand grab on my arm, I turn around to see Draco "are you ok-"

I cut him off "perfectly fine." I snap my arm away from his grip and walk out.

So fucking much has happened today I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep.

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