Chapter 20

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If there are any spelling errors forgive me it's almost 1 am💀✋🏻

Ambers POV
I woke up and immediately shot up. I remembered I am supposed to be smoking with Jackson and everyone tonight and they are coming to my dorm. Fuck fuck fuck. I shaked Draco awake "Draco get up Jackson and them will be here any minute!" I said picking up the sheet and putting it around my body.

"Fuck what?" He asked sitting up.

"People are coming to my dorm to smoke any minute now and we are both naked-" I was interrupted by the door slamming open with Jackson, Chance, and Kingston.

"Woah woah woah!" Kingston said covering his eyes.

"Yea just get out and leave for a second" I said pushing them out.

"Woah Malfoy you got that 8 pack" Kingston said looking at Draco and Draco laughed.

"Ok out!" I said pushing them out and closing the door and slamming my body on the back of it and let out of big breath.

"Fuck I have to you know work-" Draco muttered getting up and jumping to put in his suit. He fixed it and grabbed my waist and kissed my lips. "Please save me some I will be back later, I love you" he smirked.

"Ok love you too" I laughed as he stepped out.

I heard him say "forly" and he nodded as he buttoned up his suit and left.

I quickly put on some shorts and a sports bra and let them inside. "Come in" I laughed.

" and Malfoy were shagging..." Chance said lighting a blunt.

"Oh shut it" I laughed and grabbed it after to finished it. I inhaled and exhaled and the smoke left my mouth. I felt so relaxed.

I leaned back on the stool as Kingston and Jackson were talking about some girl. "No she's fine, I don't know what you are talking about" Jackson laughed putting the blunt in his mouth.

"No I am saying she's fine but she's dating Neville or something" Kingston laughed.

"Wait Luna?" I said "she isn't dating Neville" I laughed blowing smoke out of my mouth.

"Thank Merlin" Jackson said.

It had been about 5 hours and it was now 12 "let's turn on some music I am bored" I said getting up and stumbling over to my speaker.

I put on a random party song and gave Jackson the weed. I swayed around the room as Chance got up and started dancing with me. "Ok!" Kingston shouted and got up and joined us.

They danced for a while but got tired and I kept dancing. Suddenly the door opened and Draco stood there. "Hey guys" he said awkwardly.

"Oh Draco here" I said taking out the blunt in my mouth and putting it in his. He sat down and kept smoking.

"So Malfoy.. you really got into it with nott today" Chance said leaning back.

"Yeah I guess so" he said blowing smoke out of his mouth and wrapping his arm around me. "Is it cool if Blaise stops by? He wants a few hits" he said turning to me.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"Literally have never seen someone get beat up that bad before" Chance chuckled.

"Yeah I mean he got me mad so I just punched him" he laughed.

Draco was not high at all right now, he had only had like 2 hits. "Hot" Chance muttered.

"The fuck did you just say" I laughed sitting up.

"I didn't mean it sorry" Chance defended herself but still not making eye contact with me. I went up to her and stood over her.

"Say it to my face" I said because honestly I was fucking furious for my best friend calling my boyfriend hot.

She got up to my level and out her hands on my shoulders "sorry" she looked at me.

I sat back down next to Draco and Blaise walked in. "Hey guys! Got any left?" He asked.

I nodded and handed him mine. He took a few hits "ok thanks, I am going to bed, see you guys later" he said opening the door.

"Hey you have not seen Snape by the way have you Blaise?" Draco asked.

"N- no but- oh yeah I did just a little ago coming from somewhere I don't know" he shrugged and walked out.

"Ok well I am getting to bed I have a big transfiguration test tomorrow" Kingston said standing up and hugging me.

"Yeah I am coming too" Jackson said yawning.

"Count me in, also again I am sorry for what I said." Chance said coming up and hugging me.

"No hard feelings" I smiled and they all walked out to leave me and Draco alone.

"No hard feelings?" He laughed as I sat in his lap and made eye contact with him.

"Bitch please she called you hot, she won't find the end" I laughed laying in bed.

he laughed "that fucking vanishing cabinet is making me fucking insane" he said.

"I am sorry.. do you want me to help you?" I suggested.

"No no it's fine, I am just so close fuck" he laughed pulling me to him so my back was on his chest.

"Ok well if you need me to help you I am here" I smiled. "Fuck you smell like weed" I laughed.

"Says you!" He laughed "fucking hell you probably had like 16 hits"

"I don't remember" I laughed "goodnight"

"Goodnight" he laughed and closing his eyes.

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