Chapter 12

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Ok first of all you guys are absolutely INSANE. I woke up to this book being at 400 reads when it was just at 20! Thank you and I love you all. Ok enjoy baddies😏🤍

Ambers POV
It's been a month since the whole thing with Draco and to be honest I do miss him but we have not talked. He has made a few snarky comments about me but I ignore them.

I am deciding to talk to him today just so I can hear the full story. I don't know it could not be that bad.

I woke up and saw Blaise in the dining hall with all the other slytherin Boys he sits with. I sat down next to him which made all of the boys turn their attention to me. "Can you tell Draco I need to talk to him at the astronomy tower" I whispered in his ear because Draco was not here yet.

"For sure darling" he winked and smiled.

"Ok thanks see you later" I smiled and went over to the Ravenclaw table. "Hey you guys" I said sitting down next to Jackson.

"Hey! Christmas is in a week" Jackson reminded me.

"I know I can't believe it" I laughed. "So you guys are probably going to be mad at me but I am going to talk to Draco.." I said as silence emitted the air.

"Oh" Kingston said "didn't he like cheat on you" he laughed.

"Yes but he's been wanting to explain and I told him I needed time and I think I have had some time to think I through"  I said.

"Ok if you say so" chance said picking up some more food.

Breakfast was finished and still no sign of Draco. Weird. But to be honest I have not seen him a lot around school lately. I mean he's here he just does not show up or he looks awful like tired awful.

I take potions then history of magic. It was now 5 and staring to get dark outside so I made my way up to the astronomy tower so I can talk to Draco.

I went up to the edge with the wind blowing in my hair and the hairs on my skin standing up. It's been about 30 minutes and still no sign of him. I sat down and dangled my feet through the bars.

He isn't coming.

I almost get up when I hear footsteps behind me. It's Draco. He looked awful, even worse than the other times I have seen him. The bags under his eyes, skinner looking. I felt tears prick my eyes but I pushed them back.

"You wanted to see me" he sighed and put his hands in his black suit pockets.

"Mhm um maybe we can talk about what happened.." I looked up.

"Really? Now you want to talk about what happened? Amber I tried! I tried and you yelled at me!" Tears ran down his face. The first time I have seen Draco Malfoy cry. "I really messed up yes I know but amber I really like you! I really do." He sighed.

"You cheated, I needed time Draco.. it's not like it's easy putting on a smile everyday when all you want to do is cry!" Tears ran down my face.

"Eccedentesiast.. I know" he muttered. "You know I was so crazy over you green. The way you looked at the ball replayed in my head everyday and the way you draw little squiggles and hearts on my chest while we lay together! I loved everything you did and it took away from the pain I was feeling all the time."He said.

"What pain?" I asked stepping closer to him.

"I- it's never mind just-" he stuttered

"No Draco it's fine you can tell me" I grabbed onto his jacket.

"You promise you won't run off" his lip quivered. I nodded, I saw him lift up his sleeve. The dark mark was on his arm.

I gasped "oh my-" I said as I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his hands around my lower back and put his head on my shoulder. He cried and cried from pain. I rubbed his back for as long as I could remember.

"I was forced, my- my father is awful amber." He said pulling away "and now I have a task to fulfill the dark lords wishes. I have to repair this vanishing cabinet so all of these death eaters can get in." He said.

"Hey it's ok, I will be right here with you. Hm?" I said as tears rolled down my cheeks and he took his hand and whipped my cheek. He pulled in for a kiss.

The whole world was spinning but not in a sick way in a way of liking. The way you feel when everything goes right in the world. The way this felt was Amazing, this is where I should be.

right here with Draco Malfoy.

Let's pretend we don't have to kill Dumble🚪😃👍🏼

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