Chapter 14

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 The call was from Ed. 

Suddenly millions of thoughts started appearing in my brain. 

Why was he calling me now?

Was he also helping his evil father?

But deep in my heart, I knew that he would never try to do something bad or evil to me but still how could I trust him when his father was thirsty for the blood of my family.

I sat down thinking what to do, the phone was still ringing. I made a sharp decision and disconnected the call. He didn't call back. Instead, I found a new message in my message box. I made the mistake of opening it. It said, "James please pick up the call."

He called again but I disconnected again. He called again but this time I picked it up. There was silence for a few seconds, then he said, "Hi James, Is that you?"

I did not reply. "James?", he said again.

Finally, I had to give up and talk to him but when I spoke, I was not the same older James. I said, "Hi Ed, why did you call?"

"Hi James, it feels good to hear your voice again." He spoke.

I replied rudely, "Just tell me why did you call me, are you with your father, or do you want to convey any evil message on his behalf?"

He said, "James it is not what you are thinking......"

His voice was broken by a sharp, thin sound. Somebody yelled at him and then the call was disconnected. This incident left me hanging and I could not sleep all night. I woke up extremely late in the morning (it was almost afternoon). I saw Lucas standing next to the door. He looked at me and smiled, then said sarcastically, "You're up early."

I looked at him and smiled and went to get ready. I came down and saw that everybody had eaten lunch and the plates were cleared. I went to the kitchen and asked Martha to get me some food. 

I had eaten to my fill when Grandpa came and told me to go to the armory. I went to the armory and opened the door and saw........


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