Chapter 19

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Just then the "COPS" came. Two cars were driving towards us. We couldn't see them but it was sure by the siren it was them. I ran to the car and took the shotgun seat. Hugo took the wheel and we drove away. The cops tailed us. Hugo was overspeeding. His BMW was good enough to leave them behind. He drove faster, more like in a hurry rather than being afraid. He didn't care about the cops. He just wanted to get to our house. I took his phone and called grandpa. We needed backup, sure we did. Our other car took left as we drove hard straight. Hugo increased the speed and soon they couldn't keep up. Oh, we were finally safe, I thought. 

But I was wrong. A car came from the side at full speed and banged into us. Hugo's head banged hard to the steering and a trickle of blood streamed from his head. I was about to yell his name when I winced and felt something. I large piece of the side glass was stuck in my cheek. I looked down and saw two similar but larger pieces were stuck in my blood-soaked chest. Hugo growled as he pressed hard on the accelerator. He placed his hand on his forehead and touched his wound. Then he turned and saw me. Darkness took over me as he yelled my name. I could hear the sound fading and the time slowing down. My eyes closed soon and I laid on my seat motionless, my mouth open.


I looked at James and my heart froze. My brain couldn't process what was happening. It happened so quickly that it gave me hardly some time to react. James was breathing slowly. The pain was immense. I had forgotten the blood trickling down from my forehead. I could only see the glass that was making his face bleed and the two shards that stuck out from his chest. He was completely soaked in blood and I was in regret and anger. Why did I bring him, the King, to a mission with almost no backup? 

Now, there was no time to regret it. I just had to take him home and everything would be fine. I pushed hard on the accelerator. I looked behind and saw that the car who banged us was following. I was pissed now. I pulled out my pistol and shot back blindly from the window. The car steered clear without any damage and they trailed us just behind our car. I increased the speed. I was getting really angry now. These men were just not leaving. I was constantly thinking of bringing my bullet-proof SUV instead of this BMW Z5 Roadster. My thoughts were disturbed by James's voice. "Hugo", He said, his voice real in pain. I looked at him but I couldn't say anything. His eyes were starting to close again. I panicked, which hardly happened to me. Then he said, "Are you okay."With those words, he loosed his consciousness again. Before I could do anything, Our enemies open fired at us. Four of them, shooting rapidly from the windows. I ducked and pushed James down too.

We weren't that far. I was sure before this moment that we will make it. But then I lost my faith. We weren't too far from the mansion but I knew we were going to die. I felt it. Help was on the way. Lucas had set off immediately. Only a miracle could save us.

Then, suddenly, I heard a blast behind. I turned around, stunned, and saw the car was blown to pieces. I looked in front and saw two black SUVs zooming straight towards us. I could see a man who was looking straight at us. He had a missile launcher in his hands. I knew we were safe. The man was Lucas. I smiled. But then I looked at James and my heart froze because.........


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Do like and comment. Also, I may have no regret in killing the protagonist so don't think that it is obvious to let him live. Thank you for reading.

James HarveyWhere stories live. Discover now