Chapter 8

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I woke up and found myself on my bed. Ava was sitting next to me, watching T.V. Grandpa was sitting on a chair drinking tea. I was feeling better. Every muscle in my body felt like it was roasted on a high flame. "So, the zombie lives.", my sister muttered. Grandpa chuckled and stood up and sat next to Ava. 

Then he said, "You lasted 12 seconds in your battle with Hugo.' Not bad ', according to Lucas."

"I lasted longer.", Ava added with a smirk. 

I must admit, Ava lasted three minutes and five seconds. Martha, the housekeeper brought me dinner in my room. I ate my dinner as Ava and Grandpa left. I finished my dinner and checked the time, it was 9:50 pm. I had slept for more than 11 hours. I had to practice. I went to the fighting ring. I pulled a boxing pad and hung it on the hook on the roof. I pulled a pair of boxing gloves from the cupboard. I played some workout music and removed my T-shirt. I started practicing and lost count of time. I was not getting tired and was not feeling sleepy at all.

After some time, I climbed out of the ring and drank water. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was sweating profusely. I poured some water on my body. I was about to return for practicing when the door flew open and Lucas, Hugo, and Ava entered. "James", Lucas asked in surprise "for how long have you been practicing, we searched for you everywhere."

 I checked the time it was, 7:35 am. I had been here in the ring for about 10 hours!!! Hugo smiled as Ava clapped her hands. Hugo came to me and smiled and then said in a serious tone, "Wash up and get ready and be here till 8:30 am, for practice."

Practice, I thought, what did I do for the past ten hours. But still, I went to my room to get ready. I took a shower and came to the ring. Grandpa and Lucas were waiting for me.

"Let's go to the field.", I said.

"No James, today we will be practicing something else.", Grandpa said as Lucas led me out of the room to the last room on the floor. The door of the room was wooden and was old and ancient without a keyhole. Lucas kicked it and it flew open. 

I stepped in and founded myself surrounded by guns. Not only guns but other amazing weapons. There were knives of every size, daggers, even bows, and arrows. But the real show was the guns. All assault rifles like AKs, M16s, pistols, ancient and modern, shotguns. We went further and entered my private shooting range. I saw a big wooden crate near the wall. I curiously peeped into it and saw hundreds of grenades. I stepped away immediately. Lucas brought me a shotgun. He handed it to me. I lifted it surprisingly found it light. Before he could say something, I cranked the pump and shot two rounds. I dropped the gun and clasped my ear. It felt like that a power chord on a piano was played on the world's biggest speakers. Then he handed me a pair of earmuffs and brought an Ak47s. I was not ready for this. This gun was responsible for taking most of the lives of mankind.

It was so heavy that Lucas had to help me lift it. I pressed the trigger and the gun went out of my control. After the bullets ran out, I put the gun down and sat on a chair. My hands were red, and my shoulder was paining badly and the whole of my body was vibrating. Grandpa checked his watch and grabbed my arm as he and Lucas helped me downstairs for lunch. We all retired to our rooms after lunch.

In the evening, I was playing Fortnite with Lucas when Grandpa came. After the match ended, I asked him, "Where do we get all those weapons from?"

He said, 


Hello everyone!!!! I hoped you liked this chapter. Do vote and comment for it, please. Also, read the next chapter to find out more, Chapter 9 is in progress.........

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