Chapter 17

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A Grenade, Hugo had brought a freaking Grenade. I looked at him as he winked and pulled the pin. Then he took two breaths and threw it a little far from the middle. A very loud blast was heard shortly after. We both rose and started to shoot and put down some men who were in immense fear and confusion. We had killed most of the men when Patrick joined the fight. He and two of his bodyguards standing next to him open fire at us. The couch behind us was shredded to pieces. We took cover behind a large table. No sooner it was also destroyed. Then one of the men stopped firing and started to come closer without making noise. He was getting closer silently. When he was just a foot away from Hugo, some sixth sense warned Hugo and he lunged at the man. Both of their guns fell, and Hugo caught the man's neck as he tried to kick Hugo.

Patrick and another man stopped firing and they also started coming close. I saw my opportunity and shot twice in their direction. Patrick's bodyguard was killed by one of my bullets but the other sank harmlessly. Patrick took cover immediately and backfired a few shots. Then I realized that he was not too far from me. I could make it. I stood and shot a few times, then took cover. Patrick stood up next and he too shot. Then as he took cover, I ran as fast as I could and lunged at him as he stood up to shoot. We both fell on the floor with guns apart.

I soon realized it was foolish to do that as I did what Patrick just wanted. He had no problem grabbing my throat and pinning me to the floor. He tightened his grip. But I knew I was not going down that easily. I punched him hard on his stomach. His grip loosened and he growled. Before he could do anything, I clawed at his eyes and he retreated yelling. I got up and kicked him hard on the chest. He fell on the floor with a thud. Before he could do anything, I picked my gun from the floor. But suddenly, I heard a yell. It was Hugo's voice. I looked at him and my eyes burned red with anger. The man Hugo was fighting had pinned him to the floor and was punching him. Hugo's face was a bloody mess. I raised my gun and emptied all the bullets in it. The man fell on Hugo with fifteen bullets in his body.

Now I had no intention to give Hugo a blood bath, but it happened. Hugo got up and glared at me for what I had done and then smiled. But suddenly, his face clouded and looks of concern and worry flashed on it as...........


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