Chapter 16

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The water came out of my mouth immediately and I started to cough and wheeze loudly as I heard Hugo. Hugo looked at me with an expression of concern and then asked, "James, are you okay?"

"YOU THINK", I yelled.

I sat down and took a few deep breaths and then realized that I shouldn't have yelled at Hugo.

I apologized "Hugo I'm sorry, it's just......", but was cut short by Hugo.

"No James, it's fine. I know what you are going through. Now let's not waste time and talk business.", He said.

I nodded and we went to the Office.

The Office took most of the space on the 1st floor. It is comprised of many educated professionals working for us. They collected information on enemies, dealt with customers, and managed our bank accounts. Everyone stood up in respect as we entered. Grandpa was waiting with a young man and a beautiful woman. Both saluted in respect as we entered. Grandpa said, "So James, I believe Hugo has informed you of your mission. Now I'll take leave as Stacy and Jason will give you details for your mission." He left before I could say anything.

"Hi, my king.", Stacy and Jason spoke in unison.

"Hi", I replied. I was just thinking of telling them not to call me by my title when Hugo interrupted my thoughts, "So, James, our mission is to track down and know about Patrick Torrio and if needed kill him. "

"Who is Patrick Torrio? Sounds Italian.", I asked.

"Patrick Torrio is a well-trained and rich Italian gangster who used to work for us.", Hugo replied.

"Used to?", I questioned.

"Yeah, we received news that he is now working for the enemy. Our Agents will inform us more about him."

"Agents," I thought as if we are running a secret organization of Super Spies.

"So", Stacy begins, "All we know that he is meeting Antonio Lane secretly every month and is supplying him weapons, money, and must crucially information."

"We got his location 2 hours ago. He is in his farmhouse with his personal bodyguards and a dozen trained men more."

"So, when do we all leave?", I asked loudly.

"What do you mean by us all?", Hugo asked.

I frowned, "I mean, Lucas, you, me, and many of our men for an attack."

"No James, it's just you and me for this mission. ", Hugo replied sharply.

I was horrified. Two people for a deadly mission. This was stupid. It's not that I did not trust Hugo's skills, but I was unsure of mine. I was unsure I could take down so many men.

"Let's go.", I said.

We didn't wear tactical combat suits and bullet-proof vests as they do in the movies. We wore suits, expensive silk suits. Well, that's great to wear something that expensive and stylish when you go on a rampage where you may die. (99%)

So, we were soon standing a few meters from Patrick's farmhouse. A squad was sent for a backup who would wait till we came back and would attack when needed. So, Hugo and I walked freely to the large farmhouse that was looking like an old, creepy warehouse. There was no security. Not even a lock. The main door was open." Probably the best is yet to come." I thought.

As we came near to the door, it flung open, and two men raised their guns at us. They were shot down before I could wink. Hugo looked at me sharply and said, "Stay alert. This is not practice. These men will kill you."

I nodded and we proceeded further in the farmhouse. This time I raised my gun and then walked. I wanted to shoot the next goon before Hugo. I just wanted to. And I got my chance as another guy came out in a hurry aiming at us. I shot without remorse. I shot him thrice.

Hugo stared at me for a while, both in awe and confusion, and then said, "Next time, don't waste bullets."

I chuckled and we moved further.

After killing eleven men-I killed only 5-we were here. We were about to enter a large hall where we expected to find Patrick. As we entered, every man left started to shoot at us. We took cover. Hugo took a rough count. There were eight men including Patrick.

"So, what do we do now?", I asked Hugo.

"Oh, we won't do anything, this will do.", Hugo replied, pulling something from his pocket.

It was a...........


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