Chapter 23

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"We have to leave.", Grandpa said after I told him what Hugo had told me.

"Where do we go?", Ava asked.

"We leave the country.", Grandpa said sadly.

"What? But why?", Stephanie asked.

"They know about all our places. They know about this mansion. We have to go before Antonio attacks us.", Grandpa said.

I was in deep thought. If Antonio knew where we were and we knew where he was, then maybe we could take a big risk and attack him. We can kill him if we take him by surprise. My thoughts were disturbed by Ed's voice.

"What are you thinking James?", Ed asked.

"I was thinking that maybe we should attack Antonio.", I said, still deep in thought.

Everyone went into deep thought. Thinking about the possibilities. 

"This could work.", said Stephanie, who was the first to verbalize what everyone else was thinking.

"I agree.", Patrick said.

"That can work.", Ed said.

I looked at Grandpa for his opinion. He looked a bit worried.

"This is a very risky gamble but it could work. We have a majority now but we have to ask Hugo, Lucas, and Richard too.", He said finally.

"Okay, We take everyone's consent. Then we gather all the information we can. Then we mobilize the men and chose the people for attack.", I declared like a King.

Everyone looked at me and nodded. Then they did something I didn't expect. They bowed before me. All of them. Even Grandpa. Ava did and so did Ed. Patrick was more than happy to. Even Stephanie did. 

I was unsure of what to do so I stood silently until they raised and then walked out. Ed and Stephanie immediately followed. I walked till the Gates. Lucas, Hugo, and Richard stepped out of their car. Richard had band-aids all over his body. His left arm was in a sling. Hugo's jacket was torn. His hair was a complete mess. Lucas looked just like he had gone. He looked like he hadn't even broken a sweat. They bowed as they saw me. I walked towards them and helped Hugo to carry Richard to the mansion. 

We were sitting in the mansion now. Lucas and Hugo and agreed immediately with me but Richard was still a bit hesitant. Then he said, "I agree with Lord Charles though but I guess we should attack now."

"Okay, so now we have all the votes. The next question is when do we attack.", I asked.

"We need to get all the information necessary. Then we need to train and chose men. I suggest we should attack in a week.", Lucas said.

"So, it is clear now. We will attack in 7 days from now.", I declared once again.

Everyone bowed to me once again. I felt very weird but there was nothing I could do about it.

I walked out finally. Stephanie was following me. It was weird but I kept walking until I reached the ring. I opened the door and went inside. I pulled out a pair of boxing gloves. I played some music. I was just about to start when the door suddenly flew open and Stephanie entered. 

She came and stood next to me. Then she too pulled a pair of boxing gloves. She got inside the ring. Then she began pacing back and forth. 

"Are you coming?", She asked finally.

"What are you doing there?", I asked.

"What do you think I am doing here?", She replied.

"I don't know?", I said.

"Well, I am cooking dinner.", She replied.

"Stop this and get out of my ring.", I ordered.

"Why scared to fight me.", She retorted.

Screw this now. I got in the ring and took my position. Then I heard a bell ring. I turned and saw Ed ringing the bell. Before I could look back at Stephanie, a kick hit my jaw hard. I fell to the floor. I heard Ed laugh. 

"You get distracted so easily, James.", Stephanie said, grinning.

I got up and took my position again. This time she waited for me to attack. I took offense and punched her on her face. She blocked easily. I replied with a counter-punch on the gut. She dodged and punched my ribs. I was shaken by the powerful impact of that punch. She was strong. Really. 

Before I could maintain my balance, she kicked the side of my knee. That sure took away my balance and I was on the floor again.

"Are you hurt, Jamie. Does it pain?", She mocked with fake concern.

Ed just could stop laughing. I turned and shot him a murderous glare. Then I realized that Stephanie was distracted. Now, I stood a chance. I mustered all the power in my leg and swept it between hers, causing her to stumble and fall hard. Then, I got up quickly.

"Ouch.", Ed said, softly.

"Ouch, Does that hurt, Stephanie.", I said mocking Stephanie who was groaning on the floor.

She didn't respond but suddenly swept her legs between mine. I was prepared for this and I jumped as soon as she did this. This caused me to put all my weight on her right leg.

"Owww", She yelled loudly.

"Using my trick against me will hurt.", I said laughing.

Then I realized that she was really in pain. So, I did the good thing and stretched my hand towards her (A mistake).

She took my hand and pulled me towards her as she rolled away safely. 

I didn't expect this at all. She next stood up and twisted my arm making me cry. 

"Give up.", She said ruthlessly.

"Never", I said as I roared and spun my legs on her again. 

She had a strong grip so she didn't fall but yet it hurt her like anything. She released my arm. I got up and lunged at her. We both fell. I was on her. Before I realized this. She pushed me aside and got on me. Then she crouched and pushed me repeatedly. I put my hands in front of my face and curled. She kept on punching me. Then suddenly she got really tired. I grabbed her hands and pulled her close to me and then gave her a sudden push. She fell back and I pinned her arms on her back.

"Give up.", I said.

"Never.", She said, struggling.

"You're bleeding. Give up.", I told her.

"No, I never give up.....", She said as she managed to kick on my back. My grip loosened and she pushed me off her. Then she crouched and lunged on me but I rolled free and got up and kicked her on the neck. She staggered and then darkness took over her eyes and she fell unconscious.

"Stephanie, Stephanie.", I cried her name.

Ed bought a bottle of water. I poured the water on her face. She suddenly got up and gasped loudly. Then her eyes narrowed and she began to punch me again.

"Whoa, Hey Stephanie. Stop, the fight got over......It's me, James.", I said, blocking and dodging her punches.

"James...", She said softly, in confusion.

"Yeah, it's me. The fight ended.", I said.

"Did I win?", She asked innocently.

"No, you lost.", I said.

She groaned and said, "My head hurts badly. Take me to my room."

I looked at Ed who smiled and then winked. Then I and Ed both carried her to her room. She weighed so light that Ed left.

"You can do it alone.", He said.

So I carried her alone by her shoulder to her room. I opened the door and made her lie on the bed. I pulled the duvet o her body and put a pillow under her head and left.


Hi everyone! My book just hit 200 likes. I would like to thank everyone for voting. Please do keep voting and commenting like this in future chapters. Thanks!

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