Chapter 10

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It was an unknown call so I didn't know who called me. I picked it up. "Hello", I said. The person on the phone started laughing. It was a burst of male laughter, not the kind of laughter that tells you that this is a prank call but a peal of devilishly sharp laughter. Before I could reply, the person disconnected the call. 

Okay so now I was terrified, seriously terrified. I did not know what to do next so I slept. Anyway, I had to sleep because tomorrow was Monday. I had to practice my typical Mafia routine (I hate Mondays). So I slept..........

Next Morning

I woke up at 10 pm. I was horrified. I raced downstairs after getting ready. First, I checked the lawns, there was no one on the lawns. I checked the gym, the same sight. Finally, I went to Grandpa's room. I had gone to Grandpa's room twice but it still was misery to me that why his dim-lit room had a passage that led to a large room with a throne. 

Anyway, I reached Grandpa's room and found him getting ready. He smiled at me and said, "Morning James, why aren't you ready yet ?"

I gave him a blank look and he frowned, "Hasn't Lucas told you yet, we are going out today."

I smiled and ran as fast as I could to my room to get ready. I never went out the day we arrived at our family castle. I reached my room and found Lucas waiting for me. He said, "Time to get ready my king "he smiled. 

"Tell me what to wear", I replied. 

Lucas brought me a red and black striped shirt, a pair of black jeans, a light brown leather jacket, and a pair of dusky brown boots. After getting ready, I checked myself in the mirror. 

Lucas had a look on his face which was enough to tell me that I was looking handsome. He said, "You look amazing James, come let's check out some accessories."

We took the elevator to go to the ground floor. He led me to a room near the entrance door. He opened the door and it felt like I entered into a massive vault in a bank. I was surrounded by gold, silver, diamond, almost every precious piece of jewelry you could name. There were rings, bracelets, necklaces, and many other precious stones spread in tons all over in the hall. 

I spotted my sister with Martha the housekeeper choosing matching jewelry for her grey dress. My sister saw me and smiled which was very rare. Then we chose a watch for me. Lucas and I shortlisted three watches. I chose a sporty touchscreen watch embedded with gems. Lucas also chose a watch for himself. I can't believe I missed noticing that he was also dressed in his best. He wore a brown tux. He looked handsome. You could never guess his age. Then we walked out to the hall in front of the entrance door. Grandpa was waiting for us. He wore a black tuxedo. He had changed his walking stick and was holding a new one. He smiled as Ava joined us. We were busy admiring each other when Hugo entered. He was wearing a blue business pinstriped suit. He looked so handsome. He removed his shades and smiled knowingly and said, "the cars are ready, let's go." 


Hey everyone I hope you liked the chapter, keep reading.

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