Chapter 26

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Grandpa looked at me. Before I could ask something or he could say something, Mr. Patrick burst into the room. He shook my hand and said,

"My lord, my heartiest congratulations to you. Our strike at two farmhouses of that scoundrel Antonio Lane was successful. We killed his men and took away his supplies."

Grandpa then looked at me and his serious expression turned into a wide smile. He and Mr. Patrick shook hands. Then, Richard and Hugo too entered the room. Mr. Patrick told them about our success. 

"Well, we have even better news.", Richard said. I looked at Hugo and raised my eyebrows.

"We took down all his buildings, boats, and farmhouses.", He told everyone with a wide grin.

I couldn't be happier. I was so happy that I hugged Hugo. Then everyone began to shake hands with each other. I shook Ed's hand and then hugged him too. I hugged Lucas too. I shook Stephanie's hand too and was about to hug her in excitement too. Then, I stopped abruptly as I realized what I was going to do. Stephanie gave me a straight look that made me feel guilty. 

I looked down in guilt. Then, she began to chuckle. I looked up and she threw her arms around me and wrapped me in a not friendly but tight hug. I froze in surprise and then, slowly wrapped my hands around her body. We both stood clinging to each other in silence until we suddenly felt pairs of eyes looking at us. I pulled back and broke the hug and found everyone in the room staring at us. Even Stephanie was feeling very uncomfortable.

Then Hugo(May God bless him) broke the silence, " This calls for a celebration, right."

Everyone agreed and Grandpa decided to host a party at our mansion tonight. He left with Lucas for inviting people to the party. Mr. Patrick and Hugo left to speak to the chefs for the party. Ava went back to her room. Ed, Richard, Stephanie, and I were left. Then, Richard got a message on his phone. 

He said, "My lord, I have to leave for my residence. My wife is unwell."

"You're married?", I asked in surprise.

"Yes. Please tell Hugo that.", He said.

"I will.", I assured him.

He left and I was standing with Stephanie and Ed. Then, I felt a hand on my arm. I looked and saw Stephanie looking at me.

She said, "Why are you standing here alone? Let's go up."

I nodded and signaled Ed to come. We three marched upstairs. Ed asked if I wanted to play some video games in our room. I didn't say anything. Then Stephanie asked me if I could help her chose a dress for the party tonight. I agreed. Ed went to our room. I walked into Stephanie's room and went and sat on a relaxing chair. Stephanie too came inside and then she closed the door and locked it. I frowned and raised my eyebrows in question. Stephanie didn't say anything. Her face was completely emotionless. She began to walk towards me slowly. She now stood in front of me. 

"What's wrong James?", She asked in a serious tone full of concern.

"Nothing. Why?", I threw a question at her. 

"You don't seem to be happy at our victory.", She said as she too sat down and faced me again.

"It's not like that. I am happy but......", I was unable to express my feelings.

She put her hand on mine. She gave me reassuring look that comforted me. I could trust her.

"I want to kill Antonio myself, not just destroy his property. He deserves to die.", I told her.

"The time will come but you have to remain patient. You will get your revenge.", She told me.

I nodded and we both began to decide on a dress for her to wear at the party. She a preferred more formal one but I pushed on a casual dress. At last, we decided on a blue dress. Then, Ed burst in. 
"I wanna play, now.", He said(or probably barked).

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