Chapter 27

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James' P.O.V.

A man in a black suit had hit Stephanie on her head with the back of his gun. Before he could try to do anything to me, my gun was raised at him and three bullets were shot on his chest, killing him instantly. 

I looked at Stephanie who had passed out cold on the ground. I cautiously looked around to check for enemies. The hall was empty. Stephanie and I had come out to the corridor to talk. I picked her up. 

"James are you okay?", I heard a voice in front of me. I raised my gun immediately. 

I saw Ed. "Whoa, calm down. It's me.", he said. I lowered my weapon.

"What happened to her?", he asked as he helped me carry her.

I pointed at the dead man. Ed nodded. We decided to go to Grandpa's study. We were on our way when we met Hugo and Richard, their guns raised.

"James, are you alright?", Hugo asked. 

I nodded as we moved towards Grandpa's office.

"Who attacked?", I asked.

"No clue but to state the obvious, Antonio.", Richard.

"I never thought he would have the guts to attack us at our mansion.", Hugo said.

"He is unpredictable, brother.", Richard replied and Ed agreed. We went downstairs.

As soon as we came near Grandpa's study, a dozen men open-fired at us. I pushed Stephanie aside and dove next to her. Hugo and Richard began to shoot and cover. Ed dove next to me. 

"We need some help here.", Hugo yelled.

"Try to wake her up. I am gonna help them.", I told Ed as I rose and shot twice.

"Three down.", Richard yelled.

I noticed a man crouching and rotating towards us using the darkness as cover. I raised my gun and shot him in the head. "Another down.", I yelled.

"One more", Hugo said, "7 left."

Suddenly, Ed rose and pulled out his Deagle and shot five times. The next thing I knew was five more bodies lying on the ground. Me, Hugo, and Richard looked at him, stunned. He raised his eyebrows and sat down again.

Only two were left. They both began retreating. We went straight to Grandpa's study and found Mr. Patrick there. He took some water and splashed a few drops on Stephanie's face. She opened her eyes softly, in pain and confusion. Then we decided that Ed, Stephanie, and Mr. Patrick should stay here and wait for the rest while Me, Hugo, and Richard should go and look for them.

I was running cautiously. Hugo and Richard followed. I was sure I had seen two people run from here. We were currently on the ground floor and were going towards the main hall. Suddenly, two people from the end of the corridor began to shoot at us. We took cover and fired back. They ran away. We followed them blindly into a trap.

We ran into another ten men waiting just for us. As soon as we turned, they fired heavily at us. We took cover but were unable to fire back. Then we heard a loud evil laugh.

It was Jacques. He said, "Kill Richard and Hugo. Save the king for my lord. He will die at his hands."

The men began to shoot. I was hiding behind a wooden coffee table which was soon gonna give up due to the firing. Hugo was already looking for another cover. Richard was hiding behind the wall, waiting for an opportunity. We were heavily outnumbered.

Then suddenly, we heard more shooting. But from a different direction. The shooting got louder and we heard screams. Then the shooting stopped. There was no sound at all. I looked up and saw Lucas. (Yep! He always saves the day.)

Lucas was standing with one of his legs on Jacques' chest. Jacques was bleeding badly. Every other of his men accept him was dead. Lucas was holding two Glock 17s. 

"Are you alright?", He asked with a smile.

"Never better.", I replied. Hugo and Richard too smiled.

Then we four together went to find Grandpa and Ava. We raced towards the lawn.

We saw many bodies lying. Our men, the enemies. We kept on walking till the small warehouse of ours. The doors of the warehouse were wide open and we could see two people. Grandpa and Thomas, fighting side-by-side. We rushed to help. Then Grandpa yelled, "Stop!!!"

We stopped in our tracks as the warehouse exploded in front of us. The roof exploded and collapsed on Grandpa, Thomas, and several of that Antonio's men. We ran and began to clear the debris to find Grandpa. Lucas found him. He was badly injured. Lucas and Richard pulled him out from a large boulder. 

"Oh no.", I said as I saw Thomas lying dead on the floor, covered with a pile of rocks. Only his blood-soaked face could be seen. 

"Oh, my god. Thomas.", Hugo said.

Then suddenly, I froze. What hit me, I couldn't even imagine. I hadn't seen Ava. 

"Grandpa, Where's Ava?", I yelled in disbelief.

He coughed some blood. Then said, "He took her. I tried to stop him. Antonio has her. In the woods."

I looked at him as everyone was mentally registering this. I pulled out my gun and checked the magazine. I reloaded and sprinted as fast I could towards the woods.

"James, wait!!", Hugo yelled and ran behind me. 

But I kept on running. I didn't stop. How stupid could I be? I forgot to look for Ava.

"James, please wait.", Hugo kept on yelling.

But I ran, deeper and deeper in the woods. Then suddenly, my leg hit a stone and I fell...

Before I could get up, I heard a burst of loud evil laughter.

Then the same voice boomed, "Ah! There you are! I have waited long for you..."


Hi everyone! I hope you liked this chapter. Please do vote and comment. Also, I thank you all for reading, voting, and sharing my book. Thanks a lot.

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