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The next morning I forgot almost everything, and I was ready for school. I boarded my school bus with my sister. Ava settled with her friends on the front seat and I went and sat with my only best friend in this world. Edmund Lane, that's his name but, everyone calls him Ed. 

"You're looking good today ", he said with a wide grin. 

"Better than you, huh", I asked with a mocking smile.

"No,  not that good", he said with a smile and we both started laughing.

In the hallway, we were greeted by my math teacher Mr. Hugo Padilton. He winked at me and smiled as he walked past us. School went as boring as it usually does.

When we were boarding our bus home, some boys started to push and punch Ed. But Ed being Ed (innocent and the peacemaker he is) chose to ignore all this. He always says that if we ignore them, they won't trouble us. But that was the wrong way to judge the world, his peaceful act was rewarded by an ugly banana pie on his hair. Ed's beautiful hair was a mess now (his saintly halo was now replaced by a stinky banana pie). He was burning with anger and a hell of a lot of humiliation but he couldn't do anything because he wasn't strong, he was slender and a bit bulging shoulders. But I was strong and had the tiniest amount of tolerance, I shot out of my seat and punched one of the boys in the nose and he started crying holding onto his bleeding nose. I thought that was enough and the other two will leave us alone. But looks like the world likes to act opposite to my prediction. Ugly no. 2 came at me as ugly no.3 drew a small knife out of his back. I banged the head of ugly no.2 in-seat handlebar and kicked him on ugly no.3 but that guy was quick, he dogged and slashed a deep cut on my left arm.

"James!!" Ava shouted.

I wasn't hurt a lot but seeing my blood made me dizzy and most of all it made me angry. I charged the guy with the knife and twisted his arm. He yelled in pain as I snatched the knife away slashing through his palm, and then I buried the knife into his torso. I wasn't thinking straight, in pain and agony I was about to stab him in the chest.

Just then, a hand with a metal grip grabbed me from behind. I turned and saw the bus driver. He took the knife out of my grip. "That's enough boy, you could have killed him! And now all three of you are walking home from here," he said.

We walked past the students giving scared, horrified, and lost looks out of the bus. As we came closer to our street, I and Ava bid Ed goodbye as if nothing strange had happened.

 I unlocked the door, it was 5 by now and my uncle won't be back until 7:30. I went to my room, got changed, and then settled to watch T.V. after getting some snacks for myself. Ava started finishing her homework.

After some time I heard a sharp tweet' sound coming from my room. As I walked closer the sound grew louder. It was coming from my trunk, I hesitantly opened my trunk and saw something flashing on the watch. I picked up the watch and read the words flashing on the screen. 

It said........


Hey, I hope you liked this chapter. Please comment 

I know you might hate me for leaving you and your imagination hanging.

Hang in there........there is more coming.

James HarveyWhere stories live. Discover now