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He was running through the woods. He did not stop for a while. He did not even look back. He just kept on running. Suddenly, his leg hit the stone and he fell. 

A voice boomed around him, "Ah! There you are! I have waited long for you ."  He was covered by dark shadows. He yelled as he saw the sky getting dark and the moon becoming red. And then he heard the sound of beeps.......

There he was in his room lying all covered in sweat, still in confusion and fear. It was again a nightmare. He had been seeing the same one for quite some time now.


Hello folks, my name is James. James Beckett and I believe you just read my last night's dream or probably a nightmare. I study at the BGS School in NYC. I am sixteen. I have a younger sister who's 12 called Ava Beckett. We lost our parents when my sister was a year old and I was 5. Since then Uncle John has been taking care of us. I feel happy to have a sister like Ava cause she doesn't have any demands, the reason could be that my uncle is a dock worker and doesn't earn much. But at the age of 31, he is happy to live in a good house. He hasn't married yet and whenever we ask him he just says that he hasn't found any woman up to his standard (or it could be another way around).

Here she comes, "Hey, James Uncle says that you should accompany us for today's grocery shopping "

"No, you go. I have other jobs to do. Besides, I still have to go to the cafe"

"Okay, fine Jamie" That's what my uncle usually calls me. 

Even on Sundays, I need to work at my part-time job at the cafe. I walked leisurely listening to music, through the streets of Brooklyn. A big man in a short hooded cape and weird joggers caught my hand. Before I could react he shoved a wrist watch in my hand and said, "Runaway and keep it safe. Our fate lies in your hands, and don't you think of it as a normal wristwatch" he seemed in a hurry and didn't even wait for me to reply. He ran and after some distance, he turned around and shouted "The time will come on its own" And he disappeared in the hustle-bustle of the city. 

I didn't see the man's face but it sounded as if he was afraid. His voice made my spine shiver, his voice felt different but known. 

This incident disturbed my entire day, I could not concentrate on work and often got lost in the thought of the watch and that man. 

This caused a lot of disasters at the cafe *its an understatement* I almost poisoned the coffee of a customer by adding vinegar(it was worth the reaction I saw on that man's face), and I broke my boss's big fat nose when he yelled at me, which brought a very predictable action- "FIRED".

I returned home and as usual, we ate dinner and then without uttering a word I went straight to my room. I took the watch out of my pocket and looked at it for the fiftieth time. It was a normal-looking watch that could be a bit expensive.

I slept and woke to the same nightmare as always but it was a much scarier version, I slid the watch out of my wrist and locked it in my trunk.


Hey, Wanna find out what waits ahead......

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 Ch2 Awaits.......

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