Chapter 6

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We all followed this man who had a walking stick who led us to the elevator. The mansion had modern white walls and the lobby was decked up with golden paintings. I never thought my family could be this rich. The man who led us stopped in front of the elevator and then he pressed his thumb on a digital touchpad. The elevator dinged and opened, and we all were in it. It closed and started moving back and then downstairs. I and Eva had to hold Lucas because of this certain jolt. Ten seconds later, the elevator opened, and we were standing in an ancient dim-lighted hall. We walked in as the man turned and sat on a large throne-type armchair. Then he lit his cigar.

"Who are you?", I asked him again.

Lucas opened his mouth and said, "Uh James this is....", but he was interrupted by the old man who said, "S'okay Lucas, the children and you both must be hungry. We will talk after dinner. "

"As you wish my lord. ", Lucas replied as he led me, Hugo and Ava, to the dining room.

My lord, I thought, so this man is another mafia or a relative. Then I recalled a photo of my father and Uncle John with another man. Can this man be...

"You're Charles Salvatore Harvey, our Grandfather.", I exclaimed.

"Hello, James and Ava. You are right James, I am your grandfather.", he said as he took a seat with us at the table.

The food was served, and we all ate silently. The food was delightful. After the plates were cleared, Grandpa rose and said, "Now it's time for you both to see your rooms."

He led us to a white lobby on the same floor. My room had almost everything. A Wi-Fi connection, A Ps, A big television, a king-sized bed, a wardrobe full of clothes and shoes, a snack counter, and a mini-fridge. It looked like the kind of room a 7star hotel will not even have. My grandpa just smiled and said, "This is your room, you can do whatever you want. There is a telephone and a diary kept on the table, you can call Lucas or me if you need anything. Sleep here for today and if you don't like it and if you don't like it, we will find you a better room."

A better room, he had to be kidding, what was better than this room. I looked at him and I knew he was not kidding. I could see concern and pain in his eyes. Maybe he got to know about Uncle John. I said, "Grandpa I think you should know that this room is the best for me. There is not even a single flaw in it. "That sure made him smile. He said, "Now let's go to your sister."

We took a glance in her room. There was a bed, a table, a wardrobe, and television at the start which was followed by Ava's Huge personal library. There were all those kinds of books she loved to read. She ran and hugged Grandpa and then said, "How did you know that I loved books, were you spying on me? ", she asked. Grandpa just smiled and he left for his room. I came to my room and sat on the bed. Then I quickly fell asleep. This time I had the best sleep in months. No nightmares, I slept blissfully. Now I thought of no school, no job at a stupid cafe. I was hoping to sleep till ten, but a vibrating voice roused me from sleep. I checked my phone; it was only six. "Time's up.", a voice said..........

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