chapter thirty_eight

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Third persons POV

Rayan angrily stumped out of the room and locked him self up in his study. He paced around for some time before sitting down. It hurt him that it was his best friend he was fighting with because of  his sister,it was annoying him. His mind suddenly drifted to the conversation he had with doctor Tahir. He promise to help doctor Tahir with Yusrah. He was not being selfish,he knows Walid is an amazing person but maybe him and Yusrah aren't compatible,maybe they aren't meant to be if it means them fighting over hurting Yusrah. He hated fighting with Walid and he was sure as long as him and Yusrah are together and something should happen,him and Walid won't ever be in good terms and for his love,brotherhood and friendship with Walid maybe is best for yusrah to be with Tahir. He can't afford to loose his best friend because of his sister.
Occasionally his mind drifted to the main reason why he went to meet Tahir.
He knows he owed her an apology, he took in a long breath before leaving the study

Rayan POV

"Mummy I want icecream" I heard Zarahs voice from her room.
"Okay" was her simple reply. I stood by the door and watch them. She was giving her a bath .
"Zarah dont put it in your mouth" she scolded removing the bead that she was about to but in her mouth
"Mummy, I want icecream" she whined
"Okay,I will buy you icecream if you stay still and let mummy bath for you so you will be a fine girl" she tickled her and she giggled

"Mummy where is Papa" she asked. Must this girl put Mummy in every sentence she want to make

"I dont know" she shrugged

"Mummy I want to go to papa" Zarah whined more.
"Well your papa didn't want to see you since he didn't bother checking up on you before storming out of the without replying to me and barging into the house and began shouting at me for no reason" she snarled angrily and I was also taking aback. Zarah was so confused that the next thing that came to her head was to cry and she did just that.

"Am sorry baby,of course your papa wants to see you,come on let me take you to him" she quickly rinsed the soap shushing her, I went and sat on Zarahs bed . She succeeded in making her to stop crying promising her to buy her a big bowl of icecream if she doesnt tell her papa"me"😅

When  they where out Panda was the first to notice me and she gasped. She quickly masked it up and went to open Zarahs drawer.
"Papa!" Zarah rushed to hug him and he dropped her on his lap
"Good morning" she beamed and I gave her a peck

"Morning baby, how are you" I asked and she replied with fine

"Papa mummy said that you didn't ...." Zuwaira  eyes bulged before she quickly cut her off

"Zara come and wear your cloth" she said . I sat down and watched her quietly as she dressed her up. She looked tensed under my gaze. When she was done Zarah ran out of the room. She began to tidy up the room and I followed her every move with my eyes. She wanted to lay the bed but I was on it and she didn't want to speak to me. I  got the message and got up and rested my back on the wall beside the door.
She tried hard not to acknowledge my presence and laid the bed when she was done she ignored me and decided to leave the room  but I put my leg out just when she tripped I held her to stop her from falling.
Immediately she got on her feet she tried to wiggle her way out of my hold but I only held her tighter.
"Are you angry with me" I almost whispered
But she only shrugged not looking at me
"No,I have to go and clean the house" she said still trying to get out.
"You are angry" it came out as a statement
"Am sorry,I just had to take care of some things" I said raising her head up so she could look at me
Ooh those eyes...those lips....she looks ravishing. Her anger is so cute ....And here comes the headaches. I tried hard to hide it and smiled at her.
"Am I forgiven" I asked and she quickly looked away.
"Am not angry" she said looking down at our feet.
"Sure?" I asked and she nodded. I didnt know when I dragged her closer to me making her raise her head and our nose where almost touching she closed her eyes breathing in hard and I felt my heart beat rate increase. But I couldn't kiss her even though I wanted to do so badly. The head ache was too bad. I gulped down hard and slowly took a step back before clearing my throat. She instantly opened her eyes and dugged her head low. She looked shy..wait no. She looked embarrassed.
Way to go Rayan..
Before I could speak she was out of the room. I didnt know when I began to smile to myself. The taught of her being embarrassed for me not kissing her sort of made me happy. That means their is something 😊


That evening when I came back from magrib prayer I met Abdulhakeem comfortably sitting on the couch gisting with yusrah.

"Sai yanzu kaga daman zuwa?(its now you decided to come back )

" I just stepped out not less than 15 minutes ago fa,you can exaggerate"I said and he chuckled.
We exchanged greeting and talked for some time

"So how is work, this one that you are looking thinner,I know you are scared and I told you to chill,I promise to give you 40% of the ownership" he teased and I threw a pillow at him
"Dont flatter yourself am sure you have forgotten who I am" I teaser back and we both laughed.

"Where is your wife by the way" I asked and he smiled

"She was the one who dragged me over here she has been saying she wants to come here since like forever" he stated

"Really?" I asked and his smile grew wider.

"Yh she is up stairs with Zuwaira" he added and I smiled genuinely

"So how are things going for you two?" I asked and he nodded

"Alhamdullilah, they is improvement, we are getting there " he said
I was happy for him
"Alhamdullilah" I said back.
We talked about everything and nothing before Zarah ran into the parlor with a bag in her hand.
"Papa see what anty in mummy's room gave me " she showed me her hand that was clad with a bracelet and a ring joined together it looked so cute in her hand . she opened the bag which had some cloths in it with chocolates and sweets.

"That is very nice of Anty Samira ,did you tell her thank you" I asked and she nodded
"So Zarah you won't greet me because I didnt bring chocolate for you koh" Abdulhakeem carried her and placed her on his laps.
"Do you know me?" He asker and she pouted trying to get off him

"Am not going to release you till you answer me" he added holding her in place and she began to scream making weird sounds.
She open her arms for me to carry her and  I only ignored her screams. She stopped when he gave her his phone
Few minutes later Zuwaira and  Samira came out laughing at only god knows what. Immediately Zarah set her eyes on the she ran to her mother and Samira picked her up.
"Zarah when will you come to my house,I have plenty toys and chocolates" Samira said and Zarah only gave her a toothing grin playing with her hands.
"I dash you,you can take her anytime you want she has been causing me headache since" I said and she smiled at me
"Please oo,I didn't tell you am tired of her " Zuwaira eyed me and they all laughed

"Why are so selfish ne wai zowie"she joked but Zuwaira's face changed at the mention of the name Zowie but she masked it up,I didnt know how I learnt her expressions even with the niqab on .

"Dont worry leave her alone when we have our baby she won't be allowed to touch her" Abdulhakeem said and Samira quickly looked away trying to hide her red cheeks.
They stayed back for dinner where Yusrah and Samira really bounded. After which they where all ready to go.
She hugged Zuwaira before looking at me.
"Ehn,Rayan ba or is it Ayan" she asked confused and I smiled
"Both anyone you are free to call" I said and she nodded also with a smile

"Toh good night Ayan" she said and I replied her
We excorted them to the car. Just when Abdulhakeem was about to enter the phone a text massage came into our phones at the same time. The sound the message made was different from all other messages. This is Baba's Application of private work message. We both stayed glued to the spot and read it all.
We both looked up at the same time and the first thing that came out of our mouth was


My sincere apologies guys. I know it took to long but I hope its worth it . I have not been well for a while now. Pls bare with me. Am sorry guys . thanks a lot for your support.

Humayrah Khalil🌼💗💖

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