chapter twenty_three

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Seeing Adda Safina really shocked  me. I didn't expect her to become so cold. She missed him and I felt guilty for it all. I shouldn't have gone out on that day.

"I met with walid" Yusrah brought me out of my thoughts. She noticed how quite I have been since last night

"Really,?" I asked

"Yeah, he followed me to school and followed me to a canteen close to school because I was ignoring him." She explained

"Wow,thats sweet,what did he say" I asked

"Well he said he was sorry for being a stupid jerky coward that doesn't know how to treat a lady. His words not mine" she said making me laugh

"That so nice" I said

"And...." She continued reluctantly
"And?" I asked eagerly raising a brow at her

"I said yes" she whispered making me scream jumping on her

"Oh my god that's so cool,am so happy for you" I beamed and she laughed shyly

"So now that I told you what has been going on with me,do you mind sharing yours" she  said and I looked away

"What?" I asked nonchalantly

"Don't ask me 'what'? What happened to you yesterday,you have been oddly quite, when you came back you had a puffy eye and you didn't speak to anyone,I asked Ya Ayan and he said I should disturb you" she said and I shrugged

"Don't lie to me" she beamed

"I just told you something I don't find comfortable saying, but I did because you are sister friend new best friend" she said making me look at her and she smiled at me

"Please tell me,I don't like seeing my best friend sad" she added and I looked away. I can't break down here
I sat down on the bed

"Well yesterday I met ........some one" I said
"Who?" She asked

"My dead brothers girlfriend" I breath reluctantly and she looked at me
"She is Abdulhakeem's wife" I added and yusrah  looked at me confused

"Is that a bad thing" she asked and I shook my head

"No" I replied

"Then why were you sad" she asked

"Seeing her made me remember him and she was broken. She doesn't accept Abdulhakeem as her husband because she believes her heart is still Khalid's." I didn't  totally lie

"Wow...that's messed up" she breathe and I nodded.

"That's not all is it" she asked. How does this girl know me so much

"Something's are better off not said" I whispered loud enough for her to hear

"Don't 'need' to know,I guess" she smiled

"You are my best friend,I  just don't want to loose you" I said and she looked confused

"You won't ever loose me" she hugged me

"Promise" I asked and she nodded

"I am not going to tell you but if you ever find out,please don't judge me" I said and my eyes became teary

"I promise to never judge you Zuzu" she hugged me and i cried
I felt disgusting.


Zarah and Rayan just came back,they went out to get ice creams and I was done with Zarahs Sofia gown so when she came back. I dressed her up in it and did a light make up for her and took her outside to take her pictures and Yusrah kept on playing  different song and she danced. She was more excited when they put Sofia the first song.
We walked back into the house to meet Rayan on the dining table with his laptop
"Papa see me" Zarah ran to him and he smiled at her

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