chapter twenty_two

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It has been almost two week now,Mama and Baba are still not back and yusrah is making me go through hell. She has been very petty on me the only thing saving me is that Rayan has been busy with work, i mean very busy. She made me do makeup last night and I felt really uncomfortable with the way he kept looking at me on the dining table and quickly used the opportunity of salat to wash it off. Tiger has been really nice to me lately,I guess its all out of pity. Every night I wake up with night mares,he always comforted me telling me its all a dream but am glad he never asked why?He has actually been very busy so I see less of him,he comes back late from work and stays in the study after Isha till 12am or 2am. H has been so reserved and quite,Yusrah will use the slightest opportunity to try and convince me to do the job but I still stand my ground.
I really feel bad that I can't help him. I wish I could
You can
Shut up voice,I can't

Today is Friday and I was at Khadijas place. Khadija is Farida's mum(Zarahs Friend). They came over few days ago and I decided to go over to her place with Zarah,who was very excited. Yusrah went to only god knows where. She didn't tell me where she was going, she only said she was going out and I didn't push it

"Do you like this" Khadija showed me another cloth. We where presently in her room as she showed me some of the clothes she was selling

"Yeah,but do you have the black" I asked

"Yes but I really think the red looks better on you,why black,you have already taken 3 black clothes fa" she whined

"I just like black" I said with a pout and she smiled

"Okay fine,you will pay full prize for the black and take the red free" she said and I shook my head

"Oh no thank you,I really like the black, its fine" I said politely

"I don't care,you are taking it anyway" she shrugged

"Oh come on I reall......." She cut me off

"No,you are taking it" she commanded with no room for arguments and I thanked her
We talked some more and it was getting late so we decided to leave

"Mummy,I want to go with them" Farida whined when we where in the parlor
"When your daddy comes back then you will tell him" she said and farida pouted

"Mummy I want to stay" Zarah said making me raise a brow at her, me and khadija exchange looks and shook our head

"When you go home then you will tell papa" I said picking her up and she frowned

"Won't you say bye to Zarah" khadija said and farida waved  mouthing bye

"Bye bye" Zarah said waving and we headed to the door when a knock came in
I didn't reach to open it because I didn't know who it is. Khadija said her husband was out of town so I moved for her to open the door

"Habiby" she gasped jumping on him hugging him tightly and he smiled

"How are you here,you said you won't came back till Monday" she breathe and I watch in awe as he

"Well I couldn't stay a day longer when my heart beat is far from me." He said and she chuckled, he looked up and saw our faces
Khadija moved from him awkwardly still smiling and I also was even though they couldn't see me

"This is Zarahs mum" she informed

"But I thought you said Zarahs mum was..." She hit him hard on his tummy to stop him from completing his statement and he growled in pain

"This is Zarahs mum" she repeated glaring at him and he nodded in understanding

"Am sorry,I didn't mean to..........nice to finally meet you"he said not knowing what to say and khadija shook her head at him and he shrugged

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