Chapter fourty_four.

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Hi lovelies 💖💖💕💕💕💞
Did you miss me
I missed you 🥺♥️♥️



I pushed my head on my knee and began to sob uncontrollably, I myself can't say why am crying but my heart was squeezing on my chest so hard and it hurts.
After crying my heart out and was a little bit calm I cleaned my face and got up .
When I got to the room he was lying on the bed his hand folded behind his head and his eyes where closed but I was sure he wasn't sleeping. I moved straight to the toilet and rinsed my face before climbing the bed he still hasn't moved from his position but then I realized he didn't have his shirt on anymore. I gently turned my back at him and closed my eyes after saying my prayer. Instead of me to sleep my thoughts began to drift wondering about deferent scenarios in my head and I didn't know when I slept off.I felt when he dragged me back to him in my sleep and I subconsciously smiled making my self more comfortable in his arms.


My baby is here💃💃💃💃💃you have no idea how happy I am . At first when she came she refuse to talk to me and holding Yusrah very tight not letting go when I tried to pick her up
"Ehn ehn ,am angry with mummy and papa"she declared pouting .
But I forcefully picked her up and hugged her
"Am so sorry baby"I pecked her cheeks
"I missed you so much ...see what I got you "I said handing her a candy bar and her face lit up and she gradually came back to her normal self. Yusrah kept grunting about no one was happy to see her bla bla .... . And in the afternoon I got a surprise because Abbi,Ammi ,Zayad and Alamin came to. I was so happy I couldn't stay put, Zayad had me take him to get all the sweet things a ate . He said he can't miss out on those.
I had a really long day and After seeing tiger this morning I didn't see him again . I didn't go back to the room till 1opm with Zarah who was already fast asleep.
I met him on the bed his head dogged in his work. I greeted him laying Zarah down on the bed. I thought he wasn't going to reply because he took so long before replying to my greeting. I paused and looked at him and he was also looking at me. He looked tired and frustrated. I know he is worked up so I just gave him a small smile before going into the toilet, I was so exhausted and I wanted to take a bath,so I did just that and just when I was done I realized I didn't have my cloth in there and the towel was a very small just a little below my thigh ,I felt like screaming.
😭why me

After summoning all my courage I took in a deep breath before heading out.
It's not like this is the first time he is seeing me like this ..I kept telling my self.

And immediately I got out we did four eyes because my eyes where directly in his and I felt like running back into the toilet.
He shameless raked his eyes around me . He stood up and I didn't know why I couldn't move . When I saw he was moving closer I began to move back.
"Are you teasing me"he whispered and I pouted trying hard not to eye him and he smiled mischievously,
"You know you are making this harder than it already is" I heard his voice right below my ear. I began to tighten my grip on the towel.
"I ask again are you planning on teasing me"he asked dangerously and I quickly began to shake my head because I suddenly became scared.
I let out a small scream when he lifted me up making me wrap my hands around his neck. He only let me down on his laps
"If you are teasing me then trust me it's working"he muttered with a smile and I quickly looked away shyly releasing amy hand from his neck but he dragged it back pulling me closer. He landed a small kiss on my collar bone and I closed my eyes. He pulled my chin down and landed his lips on mine and I felt the hair on my body erect . He left my face and began to drop wet kissing all over my body . I let out a loud gasp when I felt my towel drop to my waist and I immediately pushed my head to his chest and my whole body turned red I felt so shy. I heard him let out a small chuckle then he became tensed and his body began to shake a little ,I stylishly wrapped back my towel moving back I still had my head low because I didn't want to face him but I had to so I lifted my head up in a way I could see him. He lifted his head up and his eyes were closed . his lips where pressed hard on a thinline.
He was in pain,no one had to tell me that .
I gently dropped my head on his shoulders and wrapped my arms around him. I had to comfort him.
"Easy tiger" I whispered into his ear. He dropped his head also on my shoulder tightening his grip around me.
"I want you,I want you so bad and not being able to have you hurts so much"he stated.
"I am sorry"he breath out.
"What for"I asked
"Am sorry that the love I have for you isn't enough"I suddenly felt bad,maybe I shouldn't have told him it wasn't enough. I just felt that if he loved me enough he would have been able to remember by now I .....
"I love you so much and I wish I could show you how much I love you in every humanly way possible." He cut me off my thought.
"I know ........and I trust you "I sighed standing up from his laps picked up my night gown and headed back to the toilet. I came out clad in my ocean green night dress which was not too exposing . I looked at the bed and my eyes landed on a sleeping Zarah
😱I totally forgot about her. Thank goodness we didn't go to far

"Why didn't you leave this girl with Yusrah"he grunted amd I pouted
"She said she is sleeping with mummy" I gave him a reply adjusting her sleeping position.
He got down from the bed and picked up the duvet folding it on the floor.
"What are you doing?"I raised my brows up but he didn't answer me and just continued what he was doing.
He picked Zarah up and that was when my head click.
"No no no ,"I said sternly quickly collecting her from him.
"You sleep on the floor" I layed her back on bed.
"Me and my bed?."he said trying to pick her again but I hit his hand.
"It's our bed"I declared
"and I choose to sleep on the bed with her since you can't share the bed with both of us."I continued and he grunted.
"This is called bullying"he mumbled and I laughed . I ignored him and adjusted my self better on the bed and placed a. Pillow behind Zarah so she won't roll in her sleep. I saw him eying me from my left eye but I only ignored him. He later gave up and lied on the floor. I switched of the light before lying down.
"Good night tiger"I teased but he didn't reply I only heard the sound of his funny hiss 😂.

No no .."
I kept on mumbling in my sleep before dangerously waking up panting heavily.
I had the dream again. I was so scared and sweating profusely I stood up from the bed and went to lie down on tigers chest. I felt much more at ease. He was fast asleep am sure it's past 2am.
I didn't know I was crying till I heard his low voice.
"It's fine,am hear"he said cleaning my wet face.
"I had a bad dream"i subbed my head still on his chest the tears were still rushinge down.
"Tell me about it"he said r I quickly shook my head.
"You can trust me"he said lifted my head up so I could be see him but I quickly shook my head.
"I do trust you"I said
"Then tell me"he pushed
"Am sorry"I dropped my head back and continued to sub
"It's fine,when ever you are ready"he rubbed my back letting out a sigh.
"You love me right"I asked after a long silence.
"Much more than you can imagine"he replied.
"You promise to love me even when I tell you everything about my past"I asked again
"Nothing can make me to stop loving you"came his reply.
"Promise"I asked finally lifting my head up and he nodded muttering "promise"
"And please don't judge me"I mumbled before giving him a quick peck on the lips and returned to my former position....................


How was that🥰🥰🥰
Next up the competition 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Who is as excited to see the winner🎉🎉🎉



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