Chapter fourty_seven

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Firstly I want to say thank you 🙏🏻 🥺you guys have no idea how much your comments mean to me. Sometimes I just feel like giving up on this book but when you comment you give me another vibe to write 🥺🥰🥰I love y'all
Please keep commenting tell me what you think  even if you have nothing to say  you can just say "hi humayrah "  😊😊😊😊😊♥️♥️


Zayad didn't wake up till almost midnight. He had a fracture on his left arm and he also had an internal cut in his stomach but the doctor said it was not too serious that he can undergo the surgery in a week or so.  The room was full with Zuwaira's aunties who came to check up on him so  I was outside. Mama left with baba who also joined us later and there left after Zayad was awake. Yusrah took Zarah with and followed them. Shortly the aunties started leaving to so I decided to enter and to my surprise Zayad looked fine ,yes he has bandage all over his body but his twin sister who was sitting down beside him on the bed is the one who looked critically sick.
Him and Alamin where laughing about only god knows what and Ammi was just shaking her head at their stupidity. I greeted Zayad and prayed for him which he replied to with I smile. I looked at her and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes
Drama queen.
Why is she looking depress like as if someone died. The guy that is sick is laughing her she is busy wallowing in sorrow

"Ya Ayan please tell this girl to stop being childish. I am fine as you all can see but she is busy feeling sorry for me"Zayad said like as if he read my mind. But I only smiled she looked at him and gave him a hard glare which made him chuckle. That's how I sat down watching them all and thats when I noticed their where actually talking about how Zayad watched fast and furious last night and decided to do practical today. They kept on joking around till Abbi came in and told everyone to go home Zayad needed to rest.
"Am staying too"Zuwaira quickly said but the glare I saw Abbi give her almost made her pee in her pants . She didn't even think twice before picking up her stuff and we bid them good night before going out of the room. The ride back home was quite no one spoke a word to the other.

"What should I cook for you?"she asked when I was half way through the stairs
"Nothing am not hungry" came my reply without turning to look at her
I sat down in the parlor for some minutes before entering the room. I took a long relaxing shower trying to clear my head . I have decided to talk to her today . I want to know everything and nothing but the truth. I love her and it's hurts so much.
After wearing my night wear which was a blue comfy cotton shirt and long trousers I came out of the room but immediately bumped into her, she lost her balance and was about to fall when I quickly held her . The food she was holding on the try almost fell as well but she held it tight. I was trying to balance her on her feet but she just stepped on my toes with her shoes
"Ouch"I said moving her back
"Am so sorry,"she said Looking at me as I was rubbing my legs. I ignored her and collected the tray from her hand.
"Follow me"I walked pass her she watched me for a few minutes before obeying.
I didn't stop till I was in her room. I dropped the tray on the floor before sitting down beside it. I patted my side looking at her and she slowly walked over and sat down. I opened the plate of food and took the spoon to her mouth.
"Am not hungry"she looked like she was about to cry. I have a hard glare eying her  and she slowly opened her mouth. I began to feed her as tears began to drip from her eyes but I still didn't stop.
Why the heck is she crying am a hitting her or something 🤦🏻
"Am full you eat the remaining"she held my arm but I still didn't reply her. I kept on feeding her till the plate was empty and I dropped it back on the tray and fed her the glass of water to. I dropped that to before turning my attention to her teary eyes.
"Why are you crying?"I asked gently because I really don't see any reason of crying right now. I think the tears in this girls eyes are too much.
She gently shook her head wiping the tears away.
"Let's talk"I said and she looked at me before nodding .
"I want to ask you some questions and I want you to reply me sincerely. I trust you,and I trust you won't lie to me . Or would you?"I asked and she quickly shook her head like a child.
"Good"I said bringing my phone out of my pocket.
"This marriage was arranged by our parents right?"I asked and she nodded.
"I have never known you before. I don't know about your past or anything. So I don't know if you had someone in your life that you loved so much and wanted to spend the rest of your life with but your parents cancelled it because of me. Is there anyone I should know about?" I just went straight to the point she wasn't looking at me so I lifted her head up.
"I want the truth please"I said
"No...........there is no one"she replied
"Are you sure?"I asked again and she nodded.
"I trust you,so I believe you if you say no."I smiled at her but she didn't smile back
"Do you regret getting married to me"I asked again and she quickly began to shake her head.
"Not at all,any woman who has you as a husband is very lucky and ......"I cut her off
"I got married to you not knowing that I will ever fall in love with you
But when you came along you conquered the whole of me and more. At first I thought it was because of how good you took care of Zarah and loved her like she was yours but I was wrong. It was because of how pure your heart is. It is said that the heart loves who does good to it . And you do good to me and that's why it loved you. You didn't give me a choice but to love you.loving you didn't happen on my watch. It just happened......"I paused

"And I ask again you love me?" She looked away from me and back to my hands. She slowly put her hand in my hand and squeezed it gently.
"I can't give you that answer now."she said and the tears rushed down her cheeks
"Why not?" I whispered
"Because I want you to be sure of your love first." She looked at me
"I am sure of my love I just want  you to....."She cut me off
"No. You are not sure. Now if you remember everything will change and....
"No nothing will change...I promise you..."I held her cheeks in my palm gently wiping the tears on her face.
"Don't promise something you don't have power over."she stated  her teary eyes looking deep into mine and a slowly released her face. I stood up without another glance of her I left the room.
I couldn't sleep the whole night. My mind just kept on wondering. What does she mean??? . I know what she meant but what does she mean.🤦‍♀️I don't know if am making sense.
After tossing around on the bed For three hours I went to her room. I met her sitting on the bed with her head in between her legs. She also couldn't sleep. She lifted her head up and my eyes landed in red ones . I helped her rinse her face and laid her down on t he bed  pushing her head to my chest before giving her a long kiss on the forehead. I gently stroke her back till her breathing began heavy and I was sure she was deeply asleep 💤


Who loves Ayan as much as I do🥺🥺🥺


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