chapter sixteen

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Hi guys
Some people commented saying Rayan exaggerated the situation when he first saw Zuwaira
It was not exaggerating, he was scared and confused,we aren't living in the world we think we do. People have different ways of charming their husbands and this is very real and yes he agreed that he watches a lot of movies plus the dangers of this tremendous dunya(world)
He has never seen her and upon all the way Yusrah talks  she never mentioned about Zuwaira being beautiful but she is........

So I hope we are clear now
Just be optimistic look at a different angle
Thank you guys
I love you

New chappyy......
I love you

This chapter  is dedicated to my one and only
My encourager
My outstanding fan
My support
The reason I still write
I love you saaderhdalha

Thank you for all the encouragment
You are the reason am writing this book
I love you💋💘❤


It is 9:30,so I am presently in the kitchen making breakfast ,I haven't met Rayan since morning I guess he is still asleep,I have already taking my bath because am excited about going home. When I was done with break fast I arranged the table and went back to my safe place

My room

I chatted with yusrah a bit, checked Instagram and then decided to rearrange my closet for the umpteenth time
What?,am bored
I have arranged it according to its texture,type,and style if gown or skirt and this time I arranged it according to its colour. The other side of my closet where are never go is near those lingeries
They scare me
I didn't know when I slept of and was awoken by the call of ahdan.
I stood up and went to pray when I was done a knock came in so I reached to open the door
"Asalamu Alaikum" he greeted and I muttered a reply and just then ,the memory of our last night banter came back rushing,Alhamdullilah for my niqab I would have been so embarrassed right now

"Are you ready" he asked and I simply nodded and just like that we left the house
The ride home was silent everyone in their thought's, I on the other hand kept thinking about how much I miss my Ammi

When the car came to a halt I totally forgot that I came with a somebody as I ran into the house

"Ammi" I yelled and jumped on her
I miss her so much
"Please don't break my back " she yelped and I laughed hugging her tightly

"I miss you so much Ammi" I said as my eyes got teary
"Why are you crying now?" Ammi asked lifting my niqab and cleaning my tears
"I just missed you so much Ammi" I pouted and she laughed
"I missed you too baby" she said

"Ina wuni,Ammi" Someone greeted from the door
How long has he been standing there
"Aaaaaaa Ayan,yau Kai ne anan (is that you)" Ammi exclaimed dramatically making him laugh and I cleaned my eyes
Subuhanallah ,now he would think am a cry baby

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