Chapter fourty_five.

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Hollaaa people. 
Enjoy 🥰🥰🥰


Today is the day
The day I have been waiting for
The day I worked so hard for.
I couldn't sleep last night, me and panda used the whole night to pray to our lord hoping for the best. Yes am tensed but not like how I was few days ago. My only problem now is the fact that I have no idea what to do about Mr Williams . He has already began to call and I just told him he will get it today even though I know I can't make that happen. We have one more package which is the same as Mr Williams but it's already booked by another man. So I can't just give it away since we won't have another production till next month. I have traced all through and still I have nothing.

After a little rehearsal with Walid we prayed zuhur before deciding to go take a short nap. I didn't meet panda even when I got to the room so I just reduced the cloth on my body and drifted in to a not too sweet dream🤦🏻
I woke up just a little past 4 I was surprised to see Zarah sleeping beside me. I was about to get down but I heard rushing water coming out of the bathroom indicating someone was in so I sat back. I turned back to a sleep Zarah,I saw dry tears on her cheek and I smiled . She most have cried her self to sleep.
The sound of the door knob made me turn my attention back to the door. She was clad in a green cotton shirt and black trousers which really fitted her like a glove.
"Good evening"she said smiling but I only smiled back passing her and entering the toilet.
After taking a shower I performed ablution before coming out. I met her lying down on the bed press her phone. I just wore a jalab before praying Asr, I recited my azkhar before turning to her. She was looking across the room,looking so distanced.
"Hey"I said getting back her attention.
"What's wrong" I asked but she only smiled shaking her head. I raised a brow at her
"Nothing really"she said getting down from the bed. She came back after some minutes with a tray which she dropped in front of me. She opened it and served me a moderate potion before handing it over to me but I only shook my head
"You didn't even have breakfast since after the coffee you took "she sounded like she was about to cry.
"I don't have the energy to eat"I mischievously grinned.
"Well if you don't know people only get energy after they eat🤦‍♀️"she said in a duh tone and I pushed her forehead.she began to rub the place with a pout on her lips.
"I have to save every bit of energy I have ,so feed me,me eating by my self will reduce my energy"I said childishly . She quietly began to feed me reluctantly I use the opportunity to tell her all about how the presentation is going to work and a lot more. She asked why I have been a little off lately and I ended up telling her all about the package and Mr Williams
"Hmmmm how sure are you that mr Williams doesn't have the package already"she reasoned
I took I few seconds looking at her
"But I checked,the package never even got to Lagos ...........unless"I stopped and she nodded.
"Unless it did"I said dragging my lap top and began to press the buttons so fast. After I got what I was looking for I paused and looked at her.
"He is going to open a new company in less than a year"I informed
"And he probably wants to sell the same product" she added and I nodded
"He wants to use today because he knows there is a gathering so he would be able to make a scene out of it and take advantage of the gathering to advertise his own product so all our customers will go to him instead because he will make them think we are incapable"I rubbed my head in frustration.
I stood up and began to pace back and forward in the room repeating "what should I do"
"We can't allow him to do that...... we have to win him at his own game"I said looking at her.
"I have a plan and you are going to help me"I said sitting down with a mischievous smile on my face.😏


It was 7:30 and the event was starting in less than an hour. I was standing in front of the mirror clad in my black trousers,and white shirt.No one had to tell me I know I could make any girl drool at this sight😏😂
Panda and Zarah went to dress up with yusrah so I had the room to my self.
I was trying to put on my shoes when a very familiar scent hit my knows and I automatically looked up. She had a very eye catching red dress on which wasn't to tight but fitted her like a glove. She had a very light make up on which also looked heavy because of the tomato red lipstick on her lips.
I slowly walked over to her,something felt so familiar yet not.I pulled her closer dropping my nose on her shoulder taking in the scent. She smells like blossom
I moved back and was about to talk but stopped when I had a flash. It was a woman,wearing this same type of dress. In a hall which was decorated.
I let out a hidden sigh before looking back to her.
"Beauty is an understatement"I stated before giving her a light peck on the lips and she bit her lips trying to hide the smile the tried to creep in.
"Well you don't look bad yourself."came her replied and I replied with a smile. She helped me finished dressing up and I only followed her with my eyes.
The knock on the door was what made me take my gaze of her.
It was Zarah and Yusrah all dressed up. Panda quickly wore her abaya and niqab and we where on our way. The drive to the event center was nothing less 30minutes. I got so nervous with the amount of people I saw in there but masked it up like I always do. A lot of Babas friend where here. On the highly table I spotted governor's ministers and his very close friends. We began to exchange greetings. I introduced Zuwaira to them all. After a few formality she stylishly slipped away to go join yusrah,Zayad and safina. I kept on looking around maybe I will get a glimpse of Mr Williams but he was nowhere to be found.
Few minutes later the gathering was opened and it began. Two popular known business tycoon gave a very long speech and so did some governors before out presentation began.
Furqan was the first to present and I most say his presentation was amazing I was back stage so I could only see it on the tv . After him then Abdulhakeem, his presentation made me begin to sweat. It was mind blowing,he moved to the next level. But then I noticed something about them both,they both hesitated before beginning and they also looked on edge. I felt some kind of ease wash through me when I felt her hand in mine. I looked at her and she squeezed my hand in assurance. The next time I looked back up to the tv I saw Mr William. Who was just entering the hall and he looked so angry 😡. I was about to go to him when my name was called for the presentation.
"Go"she whispered and I nodded before mounting the stage. And we immediately made i contact. He walked angrily to baba and began to talk getting most of the people attention. I was about to begin but he made a very loud sound which literally got everyone's attention.
"This is not acceptable " he stated I looked at panda and she nodded.
"If you know you won't be able to to keep to your word and the contract we signed maybe this isn't the job for you......

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