Chapter fifty_nine

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Double update lovelies 🥳🥳🥳

Love to dedicate this chappy to two amazing and supportive people


I love you babies🥺✅✅✅

Third person POV

A week ago Walid and Yusrah went to have their medical test . They were meant to have it a long time ago but they got busy with the wedding preparation and stuff . 
Walid who wanted to rub it off on Dr Tahir's face suggested they go to his hospital for the test. But his plan back fired when the results came out and they were both AS. While they waited for the test Mama called Yusrah so she had to leave. Walid told her to just leave that he would send the result to her.

"I hope now you will face that you have lost and stop your obsession. I will advice you to go find someone who would love you and get married" Walid boasted . He was sitting across the Dr after the results where out.
Tahir let out a light chuckle adjusting his neck tie.
"I love your confidence Walid . But I hope you know it's not too late. She could still change her mind . They is still one week"Tahir backfired and Walid laughed.
"Poor doctor,he still has hope"he said in a pity tone but Tahir only stared at him in amusement.

"Anyways.....,this is your result" he said handing Walid the envelope. He reached to collect it but Tahir drew it back again.
"I hope you know ,I plan ,you plan but Allahs plan is the best."he ended sliding him the envelop and he stopped it.
The smile that played on Tahirs face suddenly made him nervous.
He quickly opened the envelope and read through it . He suddenly let out a loud laugh dropping the paper.
"Do you really think anyone is going to believe your bullshit."Walid asked and Tahir smiled knowingly.

"Oh Walid if I where you I would be thinking of how to get a bone marrow transplant because this result is going straight to baba"Tahir said making himself more comfortable on his chair.

Walid only shook his head at him smiling.
He wants to play me
Walid had always known he was AS but he was also sure that Yusrah was AA because Rayan once told him both his parents where AA so that was why he was confident.

"Stop this silly game now"Walid glared at him
"It's not a game Walid I thought you where AA for you to have so much confidence because I have always known Yusrah to be AS."he shrugged
"How can she be AS when both her parents are AA"Walid snapped and Dr didn't even flinch .
"Who gave you that information."Dr laughed
Rayan" Walid said in his mind

"Well it's wrong"he replied like he read his mind
"Her mum is AA while her Dad is AS" Dr explained and Walid hitched
"And am their personal doctor I hope that explains enough"Tahir said and Walid began rubbing his face aggressively. He began pacing around the office while Tahir continued his work with no care in the word
"And so what if we are both AS"Walid suddenly spat
"Are you out of your mind"Tahir snapped back.
"You are going to keep your fu**ing mouth shut" Walid threatened dangerously.
"And what makes you think I would ever do that,"he paused taking in a long breath
"Yusrah apart ,are you out of your mind, do you think you can handle giving birth to SS . Do you have any other idea how much those kids are suffering . Do you have any idea how many of them died at a very young age leaving the parents sad and depressed. Is that what you really want Yusrah to go through. Is that how low you love her"Tahir snapped angrily.

"What do you think ,that if I don't marry her she would ever agree to marry you. You see the difference between the both of us is that she loves me and she doesn't love you. If you even ever think of saying anything I am very sure she would hate you. Even if you marry her she would only keep on hurting because her heart belongs to me."Walid ended banging the table and going out of the office.

He later got a fake result and sent it to her which showed that he was AA. And Yusrah sent it to Baba and Mama.
Tahir on the order hand doesn't want to be selfish but he could not just stand their and watch the woman he loves get married to someone else. And plus they weren't even compatible. What Walid said to him that day kept ringing in his head and the fear of Yusrah hating him was scary but he had to do something. He had it all planned out. He wanted to tell Rayan but decided against it seeing Rayan was Walids friend but he was confident that Rayan would help him because he won't ever let his sister go through pain but he didn't want to spoil his and Walids friendship so he decided against it. He didn't say a word till the wedding day morning when he was sure the wedding can't ever get cancelled because of the guest that was when he excused him self and asked to see baba who was furious. But Tahir claimed not to know till the day before .yes he knows he was being a tad bit selfish but he just had to. Baba called Walids uncle and they spoke for sometime with Ameeras father who was angry about what his in-laws to be did to him that was why he agreed when baba suggested marrying Ameera to Walid. Ameeras dad has always known Walid and he was sure he was a good boy and would treat his daughter right so he had no objections. And Baba asked if Tahir was still interested in marrying Yusrah which he innocently replied with "Yes"
Walid arrived late and his uncle kept on calling him on the phone but he wasn't picking . He was busy getting ready for his wedding and his friends occupied him teasing him here and there. And when him and Rayan arrived it was already too late because they have already began praying jumaat so they couldn't inform them.


"You son of a b****" Walid snapped pushing Tahir to the back of the building where there were no people.
"I am going to kill you "Walid yelled giving tahir a bunch on the face and blood came out of his mouth which triggered Tahir and thee both men began to fight aggressively. Rayan who was looking for them and was sure Walid was going to do something stupid.
"Are you guys out of your minds"He yelled trying to break the off. But the didn't even bulge.
He angrily pushed Walid away giving him a slap on his face trying to revive him back from his anger.
"What wrong with you will you calm down "Rayan snapped because Walid has really left some injuries on Tahir because he was sincerely Planning on killing him.

Rayan use style to get them both into the car with out people seeing them and driving off leaving the most. The drive was quite with only there exchange of breath.
He first dropped Dr at the hospital to treat his wounds before going home with Walid . He dropped Zuwaira and Zarah at Mamas this morning so the house was empty. Walid sat down on the couch his eyes cloth breathing heavily. Rayan brought him a bottle of water and dropped it in front him. He open the water and took it to his mouth but before he could drink it realization drawn to him and he angrily threw the bottle of water letting out a loud scream. He began punching the wall as tears began rolling down his cheeks.
Not caring about his knuckles that where hurting he let out a loud cry Continuously punching the wall till blood began to drip but he still didn't stop.
Rayan only stared at him. In all the Years he has spent with Walid he has never seen him like this.


When the news got to the girls the whole story changed.


Poor Walid 🥺

It wasn't a mistake darlings
Everything can't be honey and sugar somethings are bitter🥺🥺✨🥺


Humayrah ✅✅✨💃

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