chapter twenty_ one

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Okay I know I have had my own share of nightmares,but have never seen anything like what I witness last night. I thought those things where fake and can only be seen in stories and movies. I mean,it was real,she was having a freaking nightmare.
I can still remember how I unconsciously moved by the sound of someone's hard intake of breath.
She kept moving before her arms hit me making me wake up from my sleep,
She kept tossing,moving her head left and right

"Panda"I called but no answer. I reached over to her and shook her but she didn't wake

" please.. Please,don't"she muttered and my heart broke. She was crying while sleeping.
She was sweating. I didn't know when I took off her hijab and her hair caught me off guard as I stared in owe. Is this girl even human

Focus the girl is having a nightmare"I scolded

"Noooo" she yelled and I hugged her and I had a sharp pain in my head ,I closed my eyes and I swear I saw a flash of something..

What was that.......what's going on with me.....

"Nooooooo" her scream yanked me out of my thoughts and back to her are fine................
........wake up" I said

"Wake up its just a dream, its not real" i added hugging her closely
I was taking aback when she hugged me more and cried harder
And the headache was back

"He shot him" she whispered
"I told him not to" she added holding on to me tightly

Who is she talking about

"Its fine, everything is fine,no one shot him,it was all a dream" I voiced out to calm her down

"No he shot him...right in front of me,all because of he wanted me....and I told him no..." She sobbed and i hugged her closer to my chest

"Its fine" I said as my eyes landed back on her hair and I patted it gently stroking it down to her shoulders

It felt so soft

"Sleep, everything is fine"i reassured patting her hair more and she reluctantly closed her eyes

"Its fine" I whispered as I watch her breath become even with a rhythm
What's wrong with her
I watch her closely as her lips twitch a bit making me gulp down,I felt like kissing her

Whats wrong with me..
I saw something,why am I having those head aches,what did I see,it was a person but it was faded,I couldn't see anything
I turned my attention back to her peaceful face

What a beauty,I smiled and pecked her forehead

Just then it came again but I couldn't see anything
I need answers... Mama won't tell me a thing Yusrah swore not to ever speak about it..
And Walid... He...he might tell me

I have begged him to tell me for 3years now but everyone keeps me in the dark
I really want to know...



How could I be so careless,I totally forgot about my night mares when I risked going to his room.I was so carried away,with the game,the job.......

Am sure he thinks of me like someone possessed 😞
I couldn't even come out of my room when I woke up this morning until I was sure he was gone
When I came out Yusrah informed me that he took Zarah to school

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