chapter thirty_four

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"So Ayan because you have a child and a wife you forgot you have parent ba" Mama scolded through the phone

"Haba mamana ni na isa(I can't dare)"

"Walahi I have been very busy ne" I explained

"Ooh so its me that is jobless koh"she snarled
" no mana that's not what I meant "I sighed
"Kai ka sani,(its you that know),I even sent you for a dinner and you couldn't give me feedback and its almost two weeks now " she snapped
"Walahi mama am sorry" that was all I could say

"Na ji(I have heard), and you have still refused to speak with your father koh"she said
What ?
The man is making me to compete for what's supposed to be rightfully mine.

"Mama I will call him later"I simply said even if that later might be never....
We talked some more before she hang up with a warning and praises to Panda and Walid. She kept on praising them saying they call her everyday to greet her but me I will never think of it🙄

I have been so busy this few days that I always come back home very late and leave early. I rarely even see Zarah this days, I leave before she wakes up and come back very late at night when she was fast asleep. Some days I meet her sleeping on the couch and panda will tell me she tried her best to let her go to her room and sleep but she always says" no I want to wait for papa"
I feel very bad,I really miss my baby,
Panda has surprising been calm. She allows me to go for work and come back late with no questions even though I see the disapproval look on her face, she always send me lunch and sometimes even dinner . Breakfast isn't a problem because seen after she noticed my knew schedule of moving out by 7 she has been trying to keep up to time even though we hardly even talk apart from during some meetings,everyone is just minding their business. Amira left few days ago and I was surprised by their closeness with panda.
And as for the model. I most say I have the best set of team workers. We are moving steadily but our work is magnificent. I love it
I really pray I win this. I have prayed so much for this. I don't even sleep most night because I keep praying to Almighty Allah to put barakah in all that we are doing
I know even if I don't win this I will still have a share in the company but I need to win this not for me but for baba, I know that he expect so much from me and as much as I hate to admit it,I can't let him down, I know he has a very high rate of confidence in me. I know he will be very proud and happy
Walid has been scares lately he traveled two days after the dinner and came back four days ago and I have really not been seeing him.
Today I decided to go back early so I will meet my baby I then branch a mall and bought her a cute pink shoe and some  chocolates
When I got home I met her doing her assignment on the couch,I met the door open
"Papa " she beamed running to my arms,ui really missed that
"Baby,I miss you"  I said pecking her and she did the same showing her cute dimples
"I miss you to papa, Mummy said you have been busy" she pouted and I nodded
"Yes I have but am back now" USAID giving her one last peck
"Mummy see papa is back" she beamed and I looked up and our eyes met. She was clad in a maxi top and a trouser her hair was all brought to the left side of her neck and if laid beautifully ,she had a smile on her face and was holding a spatula. She looks lovely
"Mummy,see papa" Zarah ran dragging her to me and I stopped breathing for some seconds
"Welcome back" she said still with the smile but my eyes where on her lips, she didn't have anything on it they looked chapped and at that moment all I wanted to do was to get them wet
What is wrong with you Ayan

"Ehhnn" I cleared my thought and gulped down
"Thank you" I said looking everywhere but her
She collected my brief case and went up the stairs and I followed her like a lost puppy

"I spoke to baba today" she said when we where in the room and I nodded still looking at her and she on comfortably looked away packing her hair into a low bun

"I wanted to call him but I forgot" I lied and I saw her smile knowingly
"And he told me to tell you he is in Maldive " she added and I gasped
"Maldive?" I had to ask again
"Yh,they landed this evening" she shrugged
"Are those old people on a honeymoon or something" I scoffed and she laughed

"Probably" she added still laughing

"Aren't we supposed to be the ones there" I joked and I saw her flushed
"Eehn, dinner will soon be ready" she added oddly and turned to go but I dragged her making her back hit me and she gasped,I put my head on the neck and sniffed in she smells good ...too good
I deep my hand into her hair releasing it from its bun
"Much better" I whispered into her ear and she tensed,I pecked her right below the ear before releasing her hand and she almost ran out of the room and I could tell she was blushing
I freshened up and I was down in no time
I could smell the food from afar
"Zarah let's go eat" I said when I came down and saw her watching cartoon
"Mummy gave me food since,I ate four times today" she said showing four with her tiny hands

"Won't you eat with papa" I pouted
"Mummy will eat with papa" she said and I shook my head
"No I want to eat with mummy and zarah today" I added and she shook her head indicating no and I just smiled going to the dinning table. Everything was set except panda. I went to the kitchen and saw her sitting on the counter with an ear piece on and her phone on one hand and spoon on the other with the food on her lap. She was humming to a song
"Eehn ehehn" i cleared my throat and she still didn't look up. I smiled and walked over to her and removed the ear piece from her ear startling her and she flinched making her food pour on my jalabiya and she gasped
"Am very sorry, I didn't know you where there" she quickly recovered and jumped down from the counter and began to  rub a  napkin to clean it and I chuckled making her stop what she was doing and look at me

"It's fine" I said removing her hand and I saw her pout
Ooh those lips again
"Hmm and this is my favourite jalabiya" I whined
"Am sorry" she pouted more and I had to look away
I began to take off the jalab and she gasped stopping my hand
"Kitchen" she murmured and I smirked ignoring her and removing it. I had a three quarter  on and white top
"Here" I tossed the jalab to her and walked out of the kitchen and began to serve when she came out
"Where is yussy?, I haven't seen her since" I asked
"She is in her room,I think she is sick" she said
"Subuhanallah, why didn't you tell me?" I said standing up going to check up on her but panda tried to stop me
"Maybe you should eat first, she is probably asleep" she quickly said but I shook my feeling like something is wrong
I went to her room with panda trailing behind she was covered up on the head from head to toe,I went and sat on the bed trying to remove the cover but she held it tight

"Leave me alone Zuzu please I dont want to talk" she said and I could tell she was crying
"Yusrah what happened" I asked and she quickly sat up cleaning her eyes
What's going on
"Nothing" she quickly said still cleaning her eyes and they where so puffy
I glared at her and she looked away
I turned to look at panda who had a sobber look
"What happened?" I demanded and they were both quite
"Will one of you answer me " I snapped and they both flinched. I was taken aback when Yusrah started sobbing. I looked at panda questionably
"Boy problem" she simply said
"Is that now a reason to want to kill yourself" I was getting annoyed
But she only sobbed more.
Wait a minute
"Walid?" I breath out and panda nodded
Walid.... I know this is normal but I really didn't expect this from Walid
"Ya Ayan please don't do anything,I didn't tell you because I was scared if might ruin your friendship and that's the last thing I want" yusrah held my hand but I just stood up and left the room

Why would Walid do this,he told me he loves her then why would he hurt her. I really don't want to judge him but she is crying for god sake baby sister is crying...
"Since when?" I simply asked looking at panda
"Last week" came her voice and I only nodded and watch as she served me.


I know its short and I  am very sorry
Looking for my inspiration guys🙏🙏🙏
Pls bare with me for a while

Humayrah Khalil💝💝

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