Chapter sixty_two

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It was pass 1 and Tahir just woke up from sleep. He was tasty so he came out to go get water from the fridge but he began to hear gentility sniffs. He slept early today, he came back from work tired and he wasn't in the mood to handle Yusrah and her tantrum because he already had a case with his younger brother who got suspended from school for jumping fence. He is in SS2 boarding school .
The sniffs became louder when he came closer to Yusrah's bedroom. He gently turned the knob and walked in. She was curled up in a ball on the middle of the bed. She became startled when she lifted her eyes and it landed in his and his heart broke
"What do you want?" she sat up trying to sound stern cleaning her eyes.
He ignored her question and sat down by her side and she quickly moved away because she hated nothing but for him to touch her and she was always grateful that he never attempted to do so consciously. He moved few inches closer and stared at her. He pulled her hard to him and she fell on his chest
""What are you doing ?"she began to struggle to get out of his hold
"Stop"she yelled her voice breaking
"Am sorry"he whispered into her ear lobe and she suddenly began to let her guard down.

"I........I......sto...."she began to stammer but suddenly broke down. She began to cry her heart out. The type of cry that could make a heartless person sober.
He began to rob her arm in a soothing and comforting manner. He hated this,he hated seeing her like this and he feels like he is the cause of it all but he had no choice.
He paused and moved back so he could see her face.he cupped her face in his palms and lifted up her face so she could see him.

"I know I was selfish but I had no choice. I love you Yusrah. I love you more than you could ever imagine and you have no idea how much it hurts me seeing you hurting"he paused taking in a deep breath

"Do you really hate living with me so much,do you dislike me so much,am I really that bad of a housemate to you?"he dropped the question

You are too good and that  what hurts the most" yusrah said in her mind

"Can you please just give us a try?. "He asked with so much hope
"Two weeks.....two weeks is all I need to prove my love for you. All am asking is for two weeks without any tantrums,without the drama and the hateful words. Just let me do what I want to do and how I want to do it. I won't ever do anything against your will. After those weeks are over you say it and I will give it to you. If you really want a divorce I promise to grant you that. But just give me two weeks  after that I promise to release you. I would find what to say to our parents  so it won't be your fault. I will take all the blame as long as it makes you happy "he paused waiting for a reply from her but she was quite
"But even if we separate that won't change anything ,you will still not marry Walid because marriage between you two isn't possible. Only if you would elope and even if I am your enemy I won't ever advise you two to do so."she was quite for more than 5 minutes Tahir stood up and heading for the door thinking she wasn't going to reply but as he was about to turn the knob she spoke.
"Just two weeks"came her reply and a large smile revealed on his face.


"Don't make me repeat my self"Walid stated rather calmly
"Haan you met me here and you are ordering me.See please don't stress me"Ameera hissed facing back the tv,tightening the grip she had on the remote. She was watching an American movie when he came in wanting to watch premiere league. His team where playing and he literally rushed home just to come watch it but madam wasn't having any of it.

"See give me jejeli now I don't want to use power on you because I can injure you."he threatened annoyed
"The last time I checked both the tv and the decoder it was my father that bought it and installed it here."she also snapped

"Then in that case maybe you should go and watch the tv on the streets because it was me that built the house and the last time I checked it isn't you who pay electricity bills"he snapped back but she only ignored him.
He hissed and angrily went into the room because he feels he is stooping low if he decide to collect the remote by force.
Ameera eyed his retrieving figure before standing up to go to the kitchen to cook something. She wasn't actually watching anything she just really enjoys annoying him.
He went to watch the match on his phone because he wasn't missing it. He didn't come out till pass eleven to switch of the light and stuff but he met her rolling on the chair clutching her stomach.
He ignored her presence and went ahead and continued what he was doing. He switch of the dining light and was about to switch off the last one
"Keh"he eyed her but she was quite.
"Keh if you want to sleep in the parlor tell me let me go abeg am sleepy"he hissed but she didn't even bulge
"Keh what's wrong with you"he asked but before he could finish she let out a scream which made him run to her side without knowing
"Are you okay"he asked holding her hand and she held his arm tightly pressing her nails deep into his arm
"Ehn ehm my stomach"she cried shaking her head the tears rushing down her chicks.
He didn't know when he picked her up in his arm and straight to the car. He drove fast to the hospital which was just a 20 minutes drive from the house.

"She has appendicitis"the doctor informed after the scan.
"It is inflamed and she needs to undergo a surgery"he spoke to Walid and he was sober.
Mira knows about her situation for a very long time. But she didn't tell anyone because she is scared of operations. Yes she studied medicine but she enjoys doing surgery for others but won't ever want it done to her. She always tried her best to hide it even when she is in pain. When it gets very bad she just says it's ulcer or dysmenorrhea.
She was given medicine before returning home. No one spoke a word to each other through out the ride.

Two weeks later
It took a lot of convincing and threatening from Walid before Mira agreed to have the surgery. Well he forced her and said "she will not die in his own house she should wait till when they separate then she can die.

"No I can't do this"she cried right before entering the theatre room.

"Huh" Walid let out a sigh
"What if they cut a vein or a nearby organ or even my intestine"she has been blabbing.

"No no I can't" she cried

"Yes you can,this isn't the Ameera I know. The Ameera I know is strong and fears nothing and no one"he stated.
"You are the strongest and the most strong headed person I know.I don't know you to be week"he cleaned the tears on her sheets
"And If you cry one more time am so gonna make fun of you and make a video"he joked making her to chuckle sniffing back her tears.
"Friends?" He asked bring his hand to her. She stared at him for more than 30 seconds before gently taking his hand . He smiled and she did the same.

After the surgery he informed his family and here's about everything. In less than two weeks she was back to normal. Little improvement in their relationship though because they don't beaker like kids anymore.

"Oh Walid am going to die what if they cut my bladder and I would have to undergo another surgery.Walid please don't let them take me" He always tease her in a high peach voice and she would hiss before threatening not to cook for that day if he doesn't stop.

Sorry it's late



Humayrah 🥰

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