Chapter fifty_two

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Who is there



I drove into the house almost half an hour ago but couldn't come out. I just sat their silently in the car the recitation of the holy Quran calming me down. I looked out the window and saw Zayad who was standing by the entrance door his hands in his pocket looking at my car. The car was tinted so i can't tell if he could see me. I let out a hot sigh before switching of the car and coming out. Zayad walked over to me greeting and I gave him a hand shake before we both entered the house.I sat down on one of the two seaters while Zayad went up .
I laid my back on the chair and closed my eyes. Today is my dead line I just have to be here. I am sure her parents are not happy with me and I don't have any explanation to give them. At first I just wanted to stay outside and send someone to call her but that would be wrong and disrespectful so now am here.

My thoughts got cut off when I heard Zayad voice.
He showed me to Abbi's parlor where Ammi and Abbi where and I nodded before entering the parlor with a salam .I was surprised to see them all answering my salam with smiles on there faces

"Yawaa my son welcome" Ammi said and I smiled before bending down and greeting them both respectfully .
Abbi showed me the couch beside me to sit down but I shook my head saying I was comfortable on the mat .
We greeted more he asked how I was feeling and how my parents are which I replied with "All fine Alhamdulilah" Ammi kept on teasing me that the CEO fit me am now looking like a big man which I only smiled. She later excused her self and left us .

"Abbi dama I came to apologize about taking long to come and ......ehn........" I began to stammer my head low not looking up .
"Hmmmm Rayan kenan"Abbi smiled knowingly
"Don't worry about that. You don't have to apologize."he added.
"But..I want to know if their is something we need to know?"Abbi asked but I quickly shook my head.
"There is nothing fa I just wanted to recorder fully before picking her up. "I said my head still down. "Rayan?"Abbi called  and I answered still not looking up.
"If their is any problem you should tell us . Don't see me as a father in law rather a father. If you don't want to take her back just tell me so you people won't be leaving together and be hurting each other. Me and your father arranged this marriage. So if you don't want it please just tell me I will explain to your father" since when he started talking I lifted my head up.
"Subhanallah Abbi not at all Walahi" I quickly said shaking my head.
"Yes Abbi the marriage was arranged but I can grantee you insha Allah nothing we can't handle . Every marriage has it problems and what keeps it stronger is when their over come it together and we will do the same insha Allah. Even if I could whine back time and I was given a chance to choose a wife I am sure I wouldn't have found anyone better than her." I finished putting my head back down.
"Allah ya maka Albarka ( May god bless you)" was all he said patting my shoulder before getting up to leave with a smile on his lips.

Zayad later came and showed me the door to her room before leaving. I stared at the door for few seconds before knocking.
No answer. I knocked again but still no answer so I turned the knob and entered the room.
"Khairat am not eating that food leave me alone"I heard her voice coming out of the toilet. It has just been few weeks and I missed her voice so much. I looked around the room. It was neat just some cloth that where arranged on the bed. I moved it and sat down . The atmosphere seems cool here and I drifted to my word of thoughts. Abbi really surprised me. Even with all the problems going on separation was never an option heck I never even thought of it. I was never going to let her go. Ever.
I sat their  thinking about nothing and everything before I heard the  door to the toilet open. She didn't even notice me in the room till she took two steps . Her eyes landed in my and she widened it in surprise. She began to tighten her hold on her towel. I closed my eyes when I felt my guard going down and I began to walk to her. When I got to her front she began to tear up and to my surprise she hugged me very tight and began to cry her heart out saying things like.
"I am very sorry". "Please believe me".
I hesitated a bit before wrapping my arms around her. We stayed like that for more than 10 minutes till her cry's died down. I gently moved her from my chest before wiping the tears from her cheeks.
I moved the wet hair from her face so I could see her properly. She looks thinner and pale. None of us said a word again. I walked to her wardrobe and brought out her cloth and dressed her up my self. She only kept on following my every move with her watery eyes.  I was helping her to zip up the abaya when Khairat's knock came through.

"Adda sorry..please eat this food. I promise I only put small. You haven't since morning that Ammi made you take three spoons of indomie and since that you didn't eat anything again."she finished like she was about to cry.
"I know you can hear me please  eat it I will drop it by the door"she ended leaving the door.
I finished helping her to zip it up before going out and picking the food.
I fed her my self and I didn't let her go till the plate was empty. And I gave her the water too.
After packing her hair in  a bon I put on her scarf before holding her hand and began walking to the door she pulled back my arm and I turned to look at her. She wanted to talk but was finding it hard.
"Let's go home"was all I said letting go of her hand and walking out of the room
We went to Abbi who preached to us for more than 30 minutes about marriage and how to overcome anything . He kept on telling us to have sabr(patience) with each other before praying for us . We both told him thank you before leaving.
She did nothing but cry silently through out the ride home and I didn't say a word to her. We didn't get home till pass 11

When we got home we both went out separate ways. I took a shower and got ready for bed. I wanted to go to her but when I remember why I shouldn't I  just decided not to and switch off the light
My mind suddenly drifted to the conversation I had with Walid yesterday.

He didn't hide anything from me he told me the whole truth on how yusrah saw Zuwaira's video and decided to use it against me. Because the remaining things were not effective.
"Rayan those pictures and videos where taking more than 5 years ago,when I first saw Zuwaira I knew I have seen her somewhere and when I saw  those pictures I knew it was her. I don't know anything about your wife but I can assure you what she was few years ago or what she was yesterday doesn't predict what she will be tomorrow or what she is now." He reasoned.
"I know is going to be hard but please just give her a chance to explain her self to you"
"You have finally found someone you love so much.I don't know if you have realized but you love Zuwaira more than you ever loved Abidah. I am not just saying this because I prefer Zuwaira  no you are a witness of how me and Abidah always play around and come against you. I have lived with you when you loved Abidah and I have lived with you when you love Zuwaira and there is a difference. The only thing stopping you is that you find Zuwaira intimidating on like Abidah who was more easy. You finally found someone who will hold  and love your daughter because of God and I am very sure you won't want to loose that now and ever." He concluded before standing up.
"Talk to her and fix this so you finally have a happy home and peace of mind"he said leaving my office .




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Humayrah ❣️

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