chapter fifteen

423 91 17



.Did you miss me

Me too❤



Why is Mama angry at me,she just called me to come home,she sounded like she was about to beat me
Does she really not believe me
Last night I just had to spend the night at Walids,I couldn't go back to that house

"Assalamu Alaikum" I said announcing my presence and if looks could kill,I would have been long dead

"Gidan Ku ,zo nan(your house 😂come here)" Mama snarled angrily but I didn't move I was too scared of what she might do
"Are you deaf" she snapped,
Oh lord I feel like a 5 year old being scolded
Am 27 for god sake

I walked closer and I was taking aback by how Mama pulled my ear
"Mama" I whined,it really hurt but she didn't stop until my ears where red and she hit me on the back
I am definitely 5🙇

"Is something wrong with you,how could you be so heartless"Mama
" Mama am not ....."she shut me up

"Will you keep quite,is something wrong with you,you made the poor girl cry,does she look like a witch to you ,tell me,which stupid charm did she put on you,eehn" Mama yelled

"Mama please listen to me" I pleaded

"Mama serious she has been suspicious from day one, she always put some sort of turare(perfume),then she uses some sort of Kajal that use to make me to look at her,but I only got prayerful, even Zarah was running away from her from the Beginning and then suddenly she loves her..........doesn't that alone sound suspicious. And when she opened her hand, the henna was wired, and then yesterday all of a sudden she opened her face Mama,for god sake she doesn't even look like a Nigerian,am sure she might have even been putting somethings in my food" I said and Mama stared at me in disbelief

"You have proved to me you really are mad" Mama said

"Mama maybe that is what she want all of you to think....subuhanallah this girl is even worst than I thought" I muttered and I was taking aback when mama hit my arm

"Kai walahi if you don't shut that your mouth I will slap you,dont be a full Ayan" she snarled
I only looked at her with a sad expression
I was sad,confused,what do I do when no one is ready to listen or explain.

"Mama,am confused, am scared of this,all the things I have said is how it happens when a person charms you" I said with a sobber look knowing getting emotional will make Mama calm down
She let out a sigh and came closer to me

"Ayan,I am your mother for god sake,do you think I can get you married to a witch" she asked and I shook my head

"Ayan she puts on perfume because she wants to ,its not a charm,I know the perfume,I have it als" she explained and I looked at her

"And the kajal,she always put it on,its not a charm,I put it also,see" she said robbing her eyes with her hand and showing it to me

"And it was Yusrahs henna designer that did her wedding henna,so they is nothing wrong,she has a fair beautiful skin so it blended well" she added

"And you yourself told me Zarah ran away from her because of the niqab and she removed it for her that was why Zarah became free with her" she reminded

"And yesterday her Aunt went to the house because her mum heard she was still wearing her niqab in the house,so she sent her sister to go pack them all,that was why she finally decided to not wear it ,Ayan I have seen Zuwaira and no doubt about it, she is beautiful, like you said, she doesn't look Nigerian." Mama said

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