chapter thirty _nine

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Third person POV.

"Do you need anything sir" the flight attendant asked Rayan . He only shook his head with his eyes still closed
"Madam" the flight attendant called Zuwaira who is busy sniffing back her tears. She only shook her head wiping her tears and the flight attendant walked passed them. She didnt know when another sob escaped her lips
"Will you shut up" Rayan snapped annoyed. It was as if he told her to cry more because she just put her palms on her face and began to cry even more. Rayan only hissed looking the other way.
He didnt see the reason why she is crying like as if someone died. After he read the message which was from baba telling them that the presentation of their project will take place in Maldive in 5 days. He told them all to get ready the private jet will take them there (Rayan,Abdulhakeem and Furqan and their families) while their workers will come when they are done complying all that is needed for the presentation.

Today the day of departure Zarah threw a tantrum because she was still in school and began to cry hugging panda trying to blackmail her saying things like
"Mummy you promise you wont ever leave me"
"Mummy please dont go" which panda fell for and is now still a crying mess
Dont ask me how Rayan convinced her to get on the plane🙄

Few minutes later he looked by his side and saw her eyes shot with almost dried up tears beneath her eyes. He felt guilt and pity wash over him because of how he yelled at her earlier . He brushed his hands on her cheeks making her to slowly open her eyes and he smiled gently at her.
"Sleepy?" He asked but she didnt reply. He stood up and also helped her up and lead her to the aircraft cabin
He laid her down and also laid beside her drawing her closer to him. He suddenly felt peace wash through him with just that little gesture.
"Am sorry" he whispered and Zuwairah closed her eyes as she felt his breath on her skin.
She bit her lips and cuddled more into him burying her head in his chest making Rayan let out a sigh.

He couldnt explain how he slept off but he knows it was one of the best naps he has had in a while.

Few hours later the plane landed. Rayan was busy packing up while Zuwaira was busy trying to finish the movie she is watching. He looked at her and shook his head. Is it by force to watch the film and she was crying at some emotional scene.
When they got off they was a bus and cars waiting for them in the arrivals. Zuwaira walked to the man holding the"Mr and Mrs Muhammad Rayan" board and got into the car and Rayan joined her after wards .

I dont need to explain to you about the beauty of maldive. Everywhere was breathtaking and the couples were both trying hard to cover up their anxiousness . But both gasped when the took a turn and behold..."paradise island resort"💙
Zuwaira didnt know when she squeaked

"I have always wanted to come to this resort" she unconsciously said squeezing his hand. The sound of him chuckling brought her out of her daze
She brushed him off and continued watching the veiw in awe. She literally jumped out of the car when it came to a stop.

"Woowww" she exclaimed showing of her dimples
Good day maam" a lady greeted making her to turn to her direction and just then Rayan came to her side
"Welcome to maldive paradise island i am Anna, mr and mrs told me to inform you to rest and freshen up that you 'all meet at dinner. İ will also show u the way to your chamber. She stated and they both nodded
"This way please" she turned on her heals and they followed behind. Rayan reach over and caught her hand in his She didnt stop till they where in front of their chamber.
"Here, i hope you enjoy your stay" she said handing them the keys before walking away.
Rayan opened the door and behold.......
İt was magnificent, beautiful.... Mind blowing ...woah!!!!

"This place is amazing" Zuwairah blurted
"Yes...yes it is" Rayan said checking the place out
He went straight to the bed and bounce down.
"Am so tired" he sighed and she chuckled because of the way it sounded like a whine.
She took of her niqab and kimar amd dropped it on the bed she was about to turn when he dragged her making her to fall on his chest and she gasped
"Rest with me" he whispered in her ears making her suddenly shiver at his voice.
"But we are having dinner with mama" she reminded her voice bearly coming out.
"They is still time" he paused to check the time from his watch
"İt just six, he added dragging her closer to him he felt body tensed up a little but suddenly became calm

He thought the short nap he had earlier was satisfying but he was wrong this was the best. The buzzing on his phone woke him up fully. He growled before reaching for the phone
" shitt"he muttered quickly sitting up when he saw the time and the caller. İt was to 8 and Mama was calling but it went off before he could pick. He looked to the side and saw her sleeping peacefully and just then his phone rang again making her to wake up and he picked
She kept on complaining on how its already time and they are late and asking where is Zuwaira........
"Mama we are already on our way it was Zuwaira that slept off , you know she must be tired."he lied making zuwaira to hit him with a pout.

"İs she pregnant"Mama blurted out and Rayan smirked looking at her belly. He gave her a mischievious smile and muttered a " maybe "
"Ayan she is pregnant" Mama beamed excitedly and Rayan began to laugh making zuwaira to give him a confused look because she couldnt hear what mama was saying
"Mama we are on our way then you can ask her your self. Bye lets get ready" he quickly said and hunged up
"Ask me what" Zuwaira said lifting up her brows but he only shrugged making her pout
"And why did u lie saying i slept off when it was you who made me sleep" she glared but he only ignored her and entered the bathroom. She only hissed at his retreating figure.
When he was out she also ignored him and got in to take a shower. She dressed up in the toilet before coming out.
She was wearing an abaya and rapped her veil on her head. Rayan who was watching her from the mirror had a disappointed look on his face when she began to tie her niqab.
"We are going for eat do you really need to wear this. " he urged making her turn to look at him.
"İts just us"he added reaching to take it off but she held his hand
" how do you want to eat with it on"he glared.
"İ will take it off when we get there, now lets go we are already late" she said going out. Rayan only smirked he knew she was angry at him for what he said to mama and for ignoring her earlier.

He catched up with her and held her hand and some guy showed them the way

"Assalamu Alaikum they both greeted entering the place.
And both mama and baba answered cheerfully .Mama even stood up to hug them both
They exchanged more greetings with baba before settling down
" zuwaira i missed you, how are you ?and zarah, i hope Rayan havent been troubling you"Mama asked glaring at rayan.
"İ havent, " Rayan said carrying his brows up but Zuwaira only smiled
Baba looked at Rayan and smiled
"So you wont come and give me a hug because a mad u work koh".
Rayan only pouted saying no making them all laugh at him.
Soon after Abdulhakeem and safina walked in with furqan and his wife maryam who is holding baby Yazeed .Zuwaira didnt miss the disappointed look on Rayan face not because he didnt want them there, no, but because he knew Zuwaira wont be able to eat now
They all exchanged greetings and Zuwaira tried making conversation with maryam because she was moody through half of the plane ride so she didnt really talk with them.
After they talked more before the food was brought and Mama and asked them to all serve them selves Mama served baba even though all the girls told her not to that they will do it but she said no everyone should serve there husband she also wants reward making them all laugh.
Maryam served furqan and her self,Safina did the same and when Zuwaira went to serve him he kept telling her to add more of everything
" Ayan how many stomach do you have"Furqan joked and they all laughed.
"Three" Rayan replied jokingly. When she was done he stood up and collected the food from her and looked at Furqan and Abdulhakeem
"I know you guys have been eager for her to finish so you will get to see my beautiful wife face , toh you wont we are going inside to eat" making them all burst into laughter.
"Shameless boy, who want to see your wife when we have people like this to look at" Abdulhakeem said looking t safina.
"Leave him alone , fool me that am just noticing your wife's face is even closed " furqan said back.
"Lairs , you wont still see" Rayan joked back making them laugh again
They said good night to them all before Rayan dragged her hand making them all laugh at them. Baba only shook his head at them.

Am so sorry this took so long but i have been a little bit busy but yesterday some one commented for me to update and i just had to
Thanks love 💕
I hope u enjoy this

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