chapter four

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"Hamma Khalid......." Alamin cried from the living room and Khalid came in. He met Zowie and Zayad watching a movie on the couch and Alamin standing

"Why are you yelling Alamin" Khalid asked

"Adda and Hamma are bullying me" he said pointing at them
"Oh god Alamin you are 12 for god sake can't you stand up for your self, am not always going to be here to fight for you" Khalid said taking a seat opposite the twins

"Why are you travelling again" Alamin asked eyes widened
"No genius he is getting married" Zayad said
"What?,why?, what"Alamin beamed making Zowie and Zayad laugh

" Hamma he just called your future wife a What'"
Zowie pointed out laughing and Khalid glared all of them and Al'amin mouthed a sorry

"But Hamma are you getting Married" he asked walking towards him
"No am not getting married" he said glaring at Zayad
"Yet" he Added
"Hamma" Alamin whined making Khalid to laugh
" okay sorry but will I then stay single for ever or marry you" Khalid asked.
"Well  if you are ,then you will take me with you to your house" Alamin said sitting beside him

"As what? A second wife"Zayad asked and Zowie laughed

"He doesn't want an annoying brother disturbing his happy wedded life" Zowie said making Al'amin pout and they all laughed at him

"Don't worry Alamin when am get married I will take you with me insha Allah" Khalid said

"Dont be deceived Alamin by that time all he would care about is his new bride" Zayad said making Khalid through a pillow at him

"But on a serious note Alamin stop letting this two annoying twins bully you" Khalid said

"Hamma" Zowie and Zayad whined

"They will gang up on me" Alamin said

Khalid gestured for Alamin to come closer and he whispered something into his ear
Alamin looked at Khalid before going to standing front of Zowie and Zayad and both of them gave him a hard glare
"Hamma I can't do it they will beat me" he whined making the twins to laugh and Khalid face palmed himself
"Just do it,don't look at their tiger eyes" Khalid said. Alamin looked away from their eyes and quickly reached for the remote that was in between them and ran back to Khalid
"I got it" he yelled
"Who is the boss now" Alamin boasted and just then Zowie and Zayad stood up and walked towards him
"Hamma they want to beat me" he cried clinging on to Khalid
"Idiot" Zayad muttered as they all began to laugh at him which he later joined


"Phone number?" Zayad asked

"Delete" Zowie replied


"Delete" she replied again

"Unfollowed?"he asked again

" yes"she replied

"Good," Zayad said and they did a high five
"So now what" She asked

"Now when we go back to school, don't talk to him,don't look at him and don't even make the mistake of sitting with him"
"Of course not" she assured him

"So dressing?" He asked
"Already taken care of that" she said opening her closet so he could see the neatly ironed hijabs , jalabiya and long skirt uniform skirts

"Nice" he smiled at her

"Salat?" He asked
"I pray five times a day now with my nawafils too" she said proudly
"Well I guess you didn't actually change totally" Zayad said and just then the door opened and Alamin walked in
"We are doing Skype with Ammi and Abbi they are asking of you guys, there hotel is soo cool,I can't wait to also go over there.." Al'amin began to blab
"Okay we are coming"Zowie said getting up

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