chapter ten

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Am back
Who miss me

So today we are meeting our guy



So,guess where I am heading to?😥
Well Mama and Baba have been pestering me to go and visit my supposed bride which I always find a way to dodge but today being a weekend Mama and Baba literally forced me to go because they have already informed them about my arrival. I prayed Magrib and now I am in front of their house
I reluctantly pressed the horn and the huge gate opened
Hmm beautiful
I came out of the car and walked to the door and knock later some girl opened the door and ushered me in smiling saying am welcome
Is she the bride
I thought she was a niqabi
But she just opens her face to everyone
Mtcheew deciete"I hissed
But she looks darker than when I saw her in the boutique
I guess it was because it was dark

"Salamu Alaikum" her brother said coming to the parlor and I stood up to shake his hand

"You have finally decided to grace us with your presence" he joked with a smile and I smiled back at him

"Yes I did how are you" I asked
"Alhamdullilah am fine,how is Mama and Baba" he asked
"They are all fine what of Ammi and Abbi" I also asked being polite
"They are fine,Abbi is out but Ammi is inside" he said and I smiled
"Aaaaa is this Ayan I am seeing, how are you,you have finally decided to come" Ammi said coming down
Very jovial woman
I like her
The first time I met her she kept pulling my cheeks saying I reminded her of someone

"Ammi ina wuni" I greeted squatting in respect
"Haba stand up mana you call me Ammi and you are squatting,come on sit down" she said making me sit

"How is your mum and sister" she asked and I replied with the affirmative

"Why didn't you bring Zarah" she asked when she didn't see her
"She was playing with yusrah when I left and I didn't want her to come and start disturbing you" I said
"You should have brought her am sure Zuwaira would love to meet her" she said with a smile

"Don't worry you will soon be tired of seeing Zarah,that girl will make you loose weight in 2 days because she can't stay in one place" I joked making her laugh and Zayad too

"I will be more than happy to do so" she smiled

"Zayad go and tell kairat to bring in the refreshment" she said to Zayad who stood up and went in. He later came back with the girl that opened the door for me

Ooh so she isn't the bride

"Ayan,why don't you follow Zayad to the mosque then come back over for dinner and you can talk to Zuwaira because I know this visit is not for me" Ammi teased making me want to run
What the !!!
I only smiled and we left the house to the mosque with Zayad. He is a nice kid. We kept on conversing about different things and he will add up his twin sisters name in the slightest opportunity. When we got back to the house it was quite.
"Let me go and call her" Zayad said leaving me alone in the parlor. I sat there staring at only god knows what and it felt like hours before Zayad walked back I looked ahead thinking she is here but I saw no one.
Does she think I have the whole day that she is doing 'Jan aji',if she is doing makeup to cover up her ugliness then she shouldn't bother because I wasn't planning on looking at her at all
"She will be here in a moment" he said and I simply nodded
We sat down waiting and having small talks with Zayad,then I saw the door open
She is here,finally............,wait no..............., its not her its a boy
He looks very familiar
"Hi Alamin,come meet Ayan,our in-law to be" Zayad said with a smile and the boy walked closer to the room
Alamin.hmmm, even the name sounds familiar wait ? I know him,he is Khalid's brother
"Alamin" I said with I smile reaching for a hand shake but he only kept looking at me like trying to remember where he knows me from,maybe he won't recognize me,it has been long

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