chapter three

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"Please" Alamin begged for the umpteenth time

"You can see that am busy"zowie said pressing her phone

"Ooh pls Adda just 10 minutes" he said

"Al'amin " she snapped startling the poor boy.
Al'amin sat down with a sober look

"I miss hamma Khalid" he beamed
"Okay fine one game " Zowie said picking up the pad
"Yay" Alamin yelled and set the TV
"Fifa?" Zowie asked
"Yh" Al'amin answered sitting beside her
They  began playing when Zayad walked in
"Hey hamma Zayad ,Adda is crushing me here please come help me"Al'amin said not taking his eyes off the TV
" am busy"he said walking to the stairs
"Hmmm,Adda will properly beat you any way" Al'amin said
"Excuse me,I play better than Zowie" he defended
"Prove it" he challenged
"Oh come on don't disgrace yourself Zayad" Zowie scoffed

"Is that a challenge"Zayad asked in disbelief

" probably "she shrugged

" pass me the pad Al'amin"Zayad said his eyes still on Zowie

She won....the skunk bag won"Zayad thought

"In your face loser" Zowie yelled doing a victory dance in his front
"I can't wait to tell Hamma Khalid" Al'amin said laughing
"Zowie beat Zayad" Al'amin said and him and Zowie high five
"Nice game brother,don't sweat it" She said sticking out her tongue at him and dashed upstairs


Days passed
Weeks passed
Khalid is back from Sudan and Al'amins joy knew no bounds. Zowie is still dating her beloved Yaseer and Zayad is still the third  wheel. Though there relationship is a tad bit better.

It was finally the Holy month of Ramadan Ammi and Abbi are getting ready to go for hajj and umrah leaving only the kids
Khalid came back a weak before they are to go so he will stay with the kids.

"Bye Ammi I am going to miss you so much" Al'amin said clinging himself on her hijab
"Me too baby, now be a good boy don't trouble your siblings and report anyone who disturbs you okay,I will deal with that person" she said and kissed his forehead
"Yes Ammi " he said still clung on her with a toothy grin
"Move let me hug my momma" Zowie hissed pushing him and hugging her
"I am going to miss you"she said
"Me too Darling, and please you and your brother shouldn't gang up on my baby" Ammi begged
"Then tell Hamma Khalid not to blame us for everything that goes wrong" Zayad said

"Where is Khalid?" Ammi asked looking ahead
"Here Ammi" he said coming out of the kitchen stuffing food into his mouth

"Chop, chop,that's all you know how to do" Ammi said laughing and he hugged her
"Ooh my Ammi I am so gonna miss you " Khalid whined and ammi pulled his chick
"Its only your Ammi you know don't worry,I might as well just stay there and not come back since my kids don't care" Abbi said making all of them to laugh at his childishness
" Abbi,you know we love you more"Khalid said hugging his father
"Eeehmmm" Abbi rolled his eyes
"The car is ready let's go before we miss our flight" Abbi said to Ammi
"Okay am coming" she said
"Bye Abbi I will miss you" Zowie said to her father
"Me too princess" he kissed her forehead
Al'amin and Zayad told them bye and they left

Ramadan was in  5 days and everyone was preparing for the holly month

"Hamma Khalid please take me" Alamin begged
"Am tired Al'amin how about tomorrow" Khalid said
"But tommorow is Monday and I have school" he whined
"Please,next weekend we will be fasting and everyone will be too exhausted, please" Al'amin pleaded
"Please,please" he sang in front of his brother
"Okay fine,go and ask the twins if they would come along" he gave up with a frustrated sigh
" But I want to go with you only,the twins will say no anyway"Al'amin said
"Just ask them" Khalid shrugged and Alamin ran off to Zowie's room

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