chapter twenty_four

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"Slow down" I said and she did the exact  opposite
What's wrong with this girl

"If you scratch my car just know you are never getting behind those wheels ever again" I declared and she slowed down a bit and I chuckled...
She has been very hyper,she didn't talk to me but she has been really excited about driving the car. When she stopped at the building I directed to where I park and she did getting down from the car

"The keys" I said bringing my hand

"What?,am not giving you,am driving us home to" she said holding the keys tightly

"We never made that deal" I pointed out

"You said you will drive the car not you will be driving the car" I smirked and she glared at me

"I will use it to go pick up Zarah" she said
"Submit the keys,when you want to pick Zarah then you will come collect it" I said and she shook her head but I wasn't giving in till she gave up and handed me the keys.

I called Dara(a worker)to show her to her office and I told her that I will be in with her shortly and left.
Later around 10:40 I decided to go check up on her

"Salamu Alaikum" I said coming in and she replied

"Are you comfortable,do you like the office" I asked and she nodded
"Though the place I work in turkey has a fancy couch,but their is no problem I can manage" she said making me roll
my eyes and she laughed

"Well if you want a couch,I can get that for you" I said ,I really wanted to see her face expression

"Really" she said turning to her desk

"Yh," I said and she shook her head
"Its fine I was only pulling your legs" she said and I knew she was smiling

"Are you ready for the meeting"i asked and she nodded
" okay,let me get going, call me if you need anything ,okay?"I said smiling and she nodded

I went back to my office to also prepare for the meeting am hosting with the team...


"Yes Sir,I handed those documents to Mr Walid" tareeq informed. We are presently at the meeting board and walid is no where to be found

"Where is he"I asked
" I just checked his office he isn't  in"he informed

"Sir,this is the plan I had suggested for the factory section" Rahma handed me the file. I went through it and I was contented

"This is very impressive Rahma," I said

"Thank you sir" she smiled

"You should show Zuwaira if she can work with it" I said, she nodded and I turned to Panda sliding the file to her. We all watch in silence because her job is what will justify everything.
If she can't do it then our plan is useless

"Can you work with that" I asked

"Eehmm.....actually.....I was thinking we go high" she said and we all raised a brow at her

"I mean this plan is good,but not 'future good'" she stated

"Excuse me,you can't just change the plan, Mr Muhammad has already accepted it " Rahma eyed her

"I am not changing your plan,I was only thinking of upgrading it" she said calmly

"What do you want to upgrade,this is the upgraded version" she was getting pissed

"Let's hear what she has" I said to Rahma

"Sir I have been planing this for almost a month now,and she want to change my work. This isn't fair" she snarled

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