Thirty One - "Another Chance"

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It's been three days since the incident

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It's been three days since the incident.

I was in another town over, a backpack with not many items and a heart too heavy to understand anything.

I had chosen this town because it was in a safe zone. It wasn't owned by the Oscuros neither the Guillianos.

It was quiet and tucked in the corner away from the drama.

When I first arrived here, I slept for two days straight in my hotel room. It wasn't a fancy one. Just a boutique hotel, very quaint.

Today--the third day, was my first day rolling over and coming to grips with reality.

I cried.

I freaking cried like a baby.

I have never cried before like that, but it felt so damn good letting out all the frustration and things that had been on my mind.

I cried until my head started to pound.

Thoughts of my father flooding my thoughts. Then, my mother. Then, of him dying and her appearing. Thoughts of Raine and how I was too confuse and troubled to even be with her right now.

After I cried, I showered.

That was when the anger came in. I knew that the charge for the holes in their shower would be a hefty bill for me to pay, but I couldn't help it.

I was angry because my father was a douchebag and he died cowardly. He should have been fought or something. He should have been given the consequences of his action.

I was angry because Sally had disappeared under the radar. I got news that after she was patched up in the hospital she ran away. I was angry that law enforcements were stupid to even let her be unguarded.

I was angry because my mother- my freaking mother, just came off her long-ass vacation to come save the day. I was thinking that if she was here in the first place then this wouldn't have happened!

I was angry because I may have a target on my back and didn't care so much to even use caution.

I turned off the water, sinking down into the tub. I fell asleep that day. Again.

Two days after that, I was stuck in the emotions of anger and sadness. I drifted into acceptance from time to time, but I would sink back into anger before I knew it.

I haven't ate anything sensible for four days. I have survived off tears, anger, and a few snacks from the vending machine in the hallway.

On the 5th day, I decided to at least get outside.

It wasn't sunny.

We were in the ending part of December and winter was taking a comfortable seat. The sun was out, but the rays were coated with chilly winds.

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