Chapter Thrity-Five-It's Time.

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*2 months later*

It's the day of the wedding and hopefully soom the day I pop. Everybodys running around getting everything done and I'm sitting outside watching how frantivc people get over weddings. Its actually quite funny until that happens to be my wedding. After everything was set up, I went inside to check on mum.

"How are you doing?" I asked

"A bit stressted and nervous" my mum replied

"I'm sure you'll be fine but if you need anything just call out to me" I answered and she smiled. I was a flower girl but felt like a nanny because of how pregnant I was, but I still looked nice. Everything happened just like the dream I have once. I was walking down the aisle and smiling at Steven who was standing at the alter waiting for his beautiful ride to walk down the asile. Everybody waiting for my mum to walk down. I walked past Steven and said

"Thank you for eveything, you've made mums and my life so much better. I'm glad to call you my step-dad soon, maybe even my dad" and then kissed his cheek Here comes the beautiful bride. Mum looks drop dead gorgeous, she reached Steven they shared a little kiss and then the minister started talking.

"Thank you all for joining Catherine and Steven for this beautiful service" he started and I dozed off for a bit until they got to the good part.

"Do you Catherine Lindsay take Steven Smith to be your lawful wedded husband?" the minster asked

"I do" my mum smiled

"And do you Steven Smith take Catherine Lindsay to be your lawful wedded wife?" the minster asked

"I do" Steven smiled and then it happened. My water broke. I cluthed my stomach in pain with one hand and my mums shoulder with the other.

"SHES GOING INTO LABOUR" my mum yelled and then Tyde came by my side.

"HURRY!" I screamed, Tyde and mum helped me into the car and Tyde was in the back with my clutching my hnads.

"Just take deep breathes" Tyde said

"Thats what I- ahhh" I screamed again. After what seemed like a life-time we arrived at the hospital. I was put in a wheel-chair and screaming down the hall-way. I've been in so much pain. They put me into a room ad my contractions have been going like crazy.

"Which one of you is the father?" The doctor asked anf Tyde rasied his hand and then he followed the doctpr to where I was. Tyde was stuck by my side, clutching my hand. About half and hour later I'm still screaming.

"Its time" one of the doctors said.

"Okay ma'am we need you to push as hard as you can" the nurse said, I gave one grunt and started pushing.

"Push" the nurse said agian, I kept grunting and Tyde did with me.

"Tyde shut up" I yelled and pushed again, taking deep breathes as well.

"Come on keep pushing" the nurse said again and I pushed even more.

"I can see the head" the doctor said

"Give me one more push ma'am" the nurse said, I grunted, took deep breathes and pushed.

"One last big push" the nurse said, I gathered all my strength and pushed even more harder and soon enough the doctors were carrying the baby straight to my arms and I started to cry.

"Its a girl" I smiled and then she started to cry.

"Its a girl" Tyde whispered crying as well.

"Would you like to cut the chord?" the urse asked Tyde

"Sure" Tyde smiled

"What would you like to name her?" the doctor asked. I looked up at Tyde and then back at the baby.

"Isabell" I replied and then kissed her on the forhead.

By Megan McCliskie

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