Chapter Eight- Plans.

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Allys POV-

I woke up feeling safe in Tydes arms I rolled over being careful not to wake Tyde, turns out I failed.

"Come back I'm cold" Tyde said in his morning voice damn that made me weak. I just giggled and left to go downstairs to see Steven. m

"Wadup" I said while walking into the kitchen.

"Monring" Steven replied.

"Oh hi Tyde nice of you to join us, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

"Morning, hmm I don't know" Tyde said thinking.

"Oh I could make pancakes!" I exclaimed.

"Sure!" Tyde said excited.

"Do you want chocolate chips in them?"

"Oh my gosh yes!"

"Someones excited" I giggled. I finished making the pancakes and I made extras for mum and Steven so we could all sit down at the dinning table. I placed 4 plates down, some whipped cream, chocolate sauce and maple syrup for everyone then went into the lounge.

"I made breakfast for you two, come and join us" I said to mum and Steven.

"Mmh they look good" mum said sitting down.

"Who knew Ally could cook" Steven said. We all ate in slience when I said. "What are we going to do today?"

"Whatever you want" mum replied.

"It has to be something fun though, I feel like doing something fun" my eyes widened "OMG WHAT ABOUT ADVENTURE WORLD!" I screamed trying to hold my excitment in.

"Yeah that would be fun but I have to go to work and so does Steven, we'll get the day off and go tomorrow instead and Tyde your welcome to come and stay another night if you want" my mum said.

Tydes POV-

"Bye kids" Catherine and Steven said while walking out the door.

"Bye" we both said in sink.

"So whats there to do today?" I asked

"Well since school starts soon we could get all our stuff maybe or just hang out" Ally replied

"Or.. we could go to the beach, it's a beautiful summers day"

"Okay let me get changed though, I'll only be a moment" Ally said while grabbing her bikini and going to get dressed. Ally came back in looking rather attractive in her bikini.

"What?" Ally asked me, she obviously saw me starring.

"Nothing, you just look great" I replied, she caught me I couldn't hide it. "Anyways, do you reckon we should invite Troye and Nicole if they're not doing anything?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah sure I don't mind" Ally replied, gosh she was so polite it was cute.


Me: Oi do you want to come to the beach with me and Ally, bring Nicole as well if she wants to come.

Troye: Yup and Nicole is coming too.m

Me: Okay we'll pick you guys up cause I need to change and then go to the beach.

Troye: Okay see ya soon.

"Troye and Nicole are coming" I said

"Okay, are we going now?" Ally asked

"If you want"

"Okay I can't wait to et my tan on" Ally giggled while getting up. God her giggles were so cute.


"HURRY UP BUTTHOLES" I yelled while walking through the door.  

"We're ready" Nicole said from the kitchen

"Just grabbing som- oh hello you must be Ally, I'm Nicole nice to meet you" Nicole said to Ally.

"Oh hi" Ally chripped.

"So... shall we go?" Troye interrupted.

"Let me get changed first" I replied. Once I was changed we headed down to the beach Troye and Nicole in front of us laughing and smiling away. Ally wispered something to me "So are they dating?"

"Haha no, they're just close friends and Troye is gay" I said.

"Oh I had no idea haha sorry" Ally said.

"It's fine, we're here now, go get your tan on"  I said while touching her butt, me and Ally are close friends so it didn't seem to bother her that much although I did see her blush a bit. Bascially all we did was tan, talk, swim and liten to music while we were at the beach. On the way back me and Nicole were talking.

"So you and Ally aye" Nicole said and winked.

"No we're just close friends like you and Troye" I replied laughing.

"Oh please I see the way you look at her you can't hide it" I gulped. Did I really make it obvious that I like her? What if Ally noticed.


"Uh" Ally sighed "I'm exhausted" she carried on.

"KIDS DINNER" Steven yelled.

"Ooh I wonder what were having?" Ally questioned.

"Lets go find out" I said while racing downstairs Ally trailing after me. "Mmh smells nice" I said as entering the kitchen. We were having pasta.

"So how was your day?" Catherine asked.

"It was good, we went to the beach with Tydes brother Troye and his best friend Nicole it was fun, how was your day at work" Ally answered.

"Oh sounds like you had fun and work was the same" Catherine replied. After that it was slient with the ocasional chit chat. Once we finished eating me and Ally opted to do the dishes and it ended up in a big water fight, it was around 9:30 when we finally finished cleaning up everything.

"Okay well me and Tyde are going to bed we're both tried goodnight" Ally said while going upstairs.

"Goodnight" I said while following her.

"Goodnight Tyde" Ally said and kissed my cheeck.

"Goodnight" I replied and kissed her forehead before falling into a deep sleep.

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