Chapter Twenty- Finally Home.

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I woke up with puggy red eyes, great just what I needed. I had seen that Tyde wasn't there, just my luck I really couldn't be bothered wth his crap, I just wanted to go home. The breakfast bar was open so I decided to get ready and go down there, since I was going on a plane and doing nothing all day, I just chucked on some tights and Tydes jersey. Yes I'm mad at Tyde for kissing Heidi, but it smells like him and it reminds me of all the great times we shared and there we go I'm crying again. I cleaned myself off and then went downstairs to the breakfas bar. Oh and it was buffet yay! I grabbed my plate and looked around for some food to eat, they even had pancakes and bagels! I grabbed myself some pancakes, mayple syrup, a bagel and butter. I buttered my bagel and drizzeled mayple syrup on my pancakes and started eating.

"Ally!" I heard someone say, I turned around to see Nicole.

"Oh hey" I said, "Come join me if you want"

"Whats up with you and Tyde?" Nicole asked me while sitting down

"Nothing" I replied quickly

"Well obviously something, Tyde came into our hotel room worried and sad." So thats where he wnt.

"I wonder why" I mumbles to myself

"Well what happened then" Nicole carried on, guessing she didn't hear my umble

"If you don't mind, I don't really want to talk about it at the moment" I snapped by accident

"Okay, but you know I'm here for you" Nicole said.

"Yeah I know, thanks alot, sorry for snapping at you"

"Oh don't worry bout it"

"Well I better get going bye"

"Bye." I went back to the hotel room expecting the worst. I opened the door to see Tyde.

Hey Ally uh... can we talk" Tyde said as soon as he saw me.

"Whats there to talk about?" I replied.

"I uh..." Tyde stuttered

"You uh... let me guess, kissed another girl right? Oh and it makes it so much better that the girl was Heidi" I practially yelled.

"No I didn't and I uh.. I can explain" Tyde said

"Oh yes you did, I saw you with my own eyes and don't give me your excuses the same thing happened to my mum and then she got abused" I said nearly crying, "It's been a very rough couple of years and you know it, I thought you would turn my life around but you were a lie" I carried on my voice croaky, I could tell I was on the verge of crying. Tyde went slient, he just nodded and then left. As soon as he left I collasped to the ground crying my eyes out, I thought Tyde would've been the one, the one to help me turn my life around and help me being new I guess not.


Tydes POV-        

It was time to leave and get on the plane, we've already been through security. Ally hasn;t said a word to me the whole way or even looked at me and we're sitting next to each other so this should be fun. I can't stop thinking it was my fault, I mean sure Heidi came on to me but I didn't do anything about it. I'm so STUPID! I should've pushed Heidi away. Why do I have to be so STUPID! I messed up so much! I just need some time to talk to her and explain everything. Maybe sitting next to her on the plane may help.

"Flight 201 to Perth Australia you may now board your plane" the PA system said. We all got up and started to board our plane, since Ally had a window seat I let her go first, she gave me a nod the polite girl she is but then acted like I was invisible. We had to wait a bit until we could take off, so I thought I could try and explain to Ally what actually happened.

"Ally" I spoke softly, she just ignored me, "Please let me explain" I tried again.

"Tyde please just eave it, not now anyways" Ally replied. I decided to leave it, plus we were on a plane so I didn't want to make it big.


We just landed in Perth, finally! Ally spent the whole plane rode ignoring me, I even think she cried a bit. I tried so hard not to cry but as soon as I went into my bedroom I just let it out . I get that Ally had been through a lot and that I changed her lif but why doesn't she work it out with me and be happy again. That's what  would want if I was her. Through out the day I kept on texting Ally, but she kept on ignoring me after trying for what seems like forever I decided to catch up on some sleep and try again tomorrow.

Allys POV- 

I walked inside relieved to be home, finally! Only if Tyde would stop texting me. As soon as my mum saw me, he could see my puffy red eyes.

"Honey what happened?" my mum asked

"Well I uh... I saw Tyde kissing another girl" I replied, yes I was staright forward but I couldn't hide it forver especially not from my mum.

"It's been a hard night and day, so I'm just going to go catch up pn my sleep, love you" I said and then headed up to my room to sleep.

Mums (Catherines) POV-   

"Hey honey, how was your day?" Steven asked, while he came and joined me on the couch

"It was an average day, I saw Ally as well" I replied

"Oh yeah, did she have fun at Playlist?"

"Yeah I guess she did, I watched her vlogs she seemed really happy, but she came home really exhausted and it looked like she had been crying"

"Aw why?"

"Because she saw Tyde kissing another girl while they were away"

"What a little dick, wait until I get my hands on him"

"No need to get violent now Steven"

"Yes I know, I would never judging by yours and Allys past never"

"Well thats good, but I really hope they sort things out they're really good for each other"

"Yeah I hope so too"

Allys POV-  

"Did Tyde even tell you what he did?" I said to Nicole. I decided to call Nicole, I just wanted to talk to someone even though my mum is there I didn't want her to worry about me.

"No he actually didn't, can you?" Nicole replied

"I saw him kissing another girl at the last playlist day"


"Well enither can I"

"I guess you should talk to him though, you guys are good for each other"

"Yeah well I'll sleep on it, its been a long day I'm going to sleep and you should too, goodnight"

"Okay, I hope for the best, goodnight." After that I fell into  very needed deep sleep.

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