Chapter Five- Meeting Someone New.

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I rolled over still half asleep checking the time 12:30, did I really sleep that long? Oh it feels great not staying up half the night waiting for a drunken mess to brust through the door and then the next morning having to wake up early to clean up his vomit. I could get use to this. After scrolling through twitter and checking my social media sites I decided that I should get up and get some breakfast well brunch if you really want to get technical.

"Afternoon sleepy head" mum said as I was coming downstairs.

"Morning" I half said half yawned.

"What are your plans for todaay?" she asked

"I think I might go out and get some brunch and then go to the park and just take sometime to get use to this and take it all in" I answered

"Of course I undertsnad it was a little hard for me too, do you need any help navigating to where you want to go?"

"Nope, I have a GPS in my phone, but if I need help or get lost you'll be the first I call" I said while heading upstairs to get ready. It was a bit chilly outside so I put on some tights and a top that says 'I CAN TWERK' on it and a tied flannel around my waist incase I get cold. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and did my normal make up routine, eyeliner and mascara but this time I winged my eyeliner which I'm getting pretty good at, I grabbed my phine and some money before heading out the door. I grabbed some Starbucks and then headed to the park. The park wasn't along distance from my house, so I guess I could come down here if I wanted some space. It's amazing how much has changed just in one day. My dad hasn't called or texted me so I guess it didn't really bother him either that or hes too drunk to even realise that I was gone, I really didn't care, I knew he was never concered about me or in face even cared. Someone bumping into me interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh I'm so sorry" he said. I looked up and saw the most attractive boy ever, he had brown eyes, brown hair, dimples because he was smiling, looked tall for his age and was waering a white and black short sleeve top woth black shorts and had vans on.

"Uh... I'm sorry for bumping into you but mu names Tyde" he said again.

"Thats alright I was just not looking thats all and my names Ally, I've just recently moved here from New Zealand" I said.

Tydes POV-

"Thats alright I was just not looking thats all and my names Ally, I've just recently moved here from New Zealand" is what she said. I bumped into her earlier but couldn't help but look. She was so gorgeous, she has blueish-greenish eyes, blonde hair, looked average height and was wearing tights and a top that says 'I CAN TWERK' and had white high-top converse on. I tried to hit it off with her so I said "So you can twerk aye" and winked at her she looked speechless, maybe I pushed it to far, maybe I should leave...

Allys POV-

I guess Tyde tired to hit on me because he said "So you can twerk aye" and then winked at me. I was so speechless I didn't know what to say. No boy has ever tried to flirt with me, let alone even talk to me or even look at me! I guess he noticed how speechless I was becaus he spoke up.

"Sorry I think I should go..." Tyde said

"Oh no, sorry its just no boy has ever tried to talk to me like that before" I replied

"Oh" he said not sure how to react.

"So going to school here?" he asked. Since school starts in 3 months mum thought it would be a good idea to enroll me into school so I could make some friends.

"Yes I am" I replied.

"Cool, what school?"

"Uh Carmel" (Side note: I don't know if he still goes to this school, so just go along with it if anyone knows feel free to comment).

"Hey I go to that school! Maybe I could show you round on your first day?"

"Yeah that would be great, I'm actually nervous even though its in 3 months, I kinda have no friends haha"


It started to get late. I guess you could say we hit it off and lets say I made a new friend.

"Tyde it's getting late, I think I might go home" I said

"Where do you live? I'll walk you home" he replied. At first I thought it was starnge but then I just thought why not.

"I just live down the road"

"Oh same we live down the same street, I guess I'm walking you home then" he said winking.

"Yeah haha, lets go!" I replied.

Tydes POV-

I aksked to walk Ally home, it was getting late and I didn't want anything to happen to her. We sort of walked in slience but it wasn't an awkward slience, it was a nice slience.

"So... how are you liking Perth so far?" I asked breaking the slience.

"Its alright, I just moved here yeaterday so I haven''t got the chance to explore it yet" she replied.

"Oh right, well why don't we hang out sometime and give you a chance to explore Perth"

"Yeah, I'd love that, I've already been shopping here, oh we're here" she said while stopping.

"So um can I get your number so we can make plans to meet up and go on our adventure" I said while touching the back of my neck and looking down by this time we were at her front door.

"Uh yeah sure" Ally replied. We exchanged numbers before she went inside and said bye. I can tell this is going to be a good year.

Allys POV-

"MUM I'M BACK" I yelled while walking inside.

"Oh I was worried about you. Thought something had happened geez!" my mum replied.

"Haha no nothing happened but I did make a new friend thats why I came home late"

"Oh whats his/her name then?"

"Tyde-Levi, I bumped into him while I was walking he gave me his number and we're gonna mkae plans to explore Perth sometime"

"Fun, is he cute?"


"Oh come on Ally"

"Okay maybe just a little" I said blushing. After that I went up to bed took off my make-up, got changed and fell alseep thinking about today. Maybe I had a little crush on Tude but how is that possible? I just meet him.

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